4 Takeaways from the 2018 World Gas Conference

6 years ago
For years, conversations at major oil and gas industry conferences focused on one thing: the shale revolution. Excitement about the surge in economical new supply of unconventionally produced oil and gas was palpable, as panelists spoke of the potential for shale to transform everything from the geopolitics of American energy supply to the price of […]
Ben Ratner

Future ready regulations will catalyze innovation for the oil and gas industry

6 years ago
The oil and gas industry is at an inflection point: according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the role that natural gas can play in the future of global energy is inextricably linked to its ability to help address environmental problems. One of these problems is methane emissions–a key focus of the World Gas Conference […]
Aileen Nowlan

Your investors are asking about methane risk: here’s why, and what you can do

6 years 1 month ago
This article was originally published in Petroleum Economist. With the corporate annual shareholder season coming to a close and the World Gas Conference around the corner, one thing is abundantly clear – investors are strengthening their stance on climate, and they want the oil and gas industry to step up and reduce methane emissions. In […]
Sean Wright

Investors: Here’s What a Sustainability Leader Looks Like

6 years 1 month ago
I spend my days thinking about how companies can use their market power to improve our environment and health. Companies are motivated to lead on sustainability for a number of reasons including cost savings, risk management and improved reputation. Additionally, the stakeholders companies most want to impress are their customers and shareholders, which studies show […]
Jenny Ahlen

What the heck is an environmental group doing at the World Gas Conference?

6 years 1 month ago
The simple answer is this. Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) approaches challenges pragmatically. If we want to rid the planet of harmful climate pollution, our efforts must include working with the industries that can make the biggest difference. That means I spend a lot of my time working with leaders from the oil and gas industry. […]
Ben Ratner

Why this leading energy company sees opportunity in a low carbon future

6 years 1 month ago
At Environmental Defense Fund, we believe that environmental progress and economic growth can and must go hand in hand. EDF+Business works with leading companies and investors to raise the bar for corporate sustainability leadership by setting aggressive, science-based goals; collaborating for scale across industries and global supply chains; publicly supporting smart environmental safeguards; and, accelerating environmental innovation. This is […]
Tom Murray

Investor concern on methane rises in 2018 proxy season

6 years 1 month ago
At Chevron’s annual general meeting last week, a shareholder resolution calling on the company to improve its methane management and disclosure received a 45% vote. This strong vote follows a majority vote at Range Resources, where 50.3% of voting shareholders supported a similar methane disclosure resolution (up from just 20% in 2013). Oil and gas […]

How Google, BlackRock, Hilton are doubling down on sustainable business

6 years 1 month ago
If you were asked five years ago "What types of companies are thinking about – and acting on –sustainability?" you would likely answer with the usual suspects: Patagonia, REI, etc. Less likely on your radar, I’d venture to guess, were players like TPG Capital, Novartis or Caterpillar. Today, companies across all sectors are re-envisioning what […]
Scott Wood

How an Indonesian coconut plantation inspired Mars’ “aha moment” on sustainability

6 years 2 months ago
At Environmental Defense Fund, we believe that environmental progress and economic growth can and must go hand in hand. EDF+Business works with leading companies and investors to raise the bar for corporate sustainability leadership by setting aggressive, science-based goals; collaborating for scale across industries and global supply chains; publicly supporting smart environmental safeguards; and, accelerating environmental innovation. This is […]
Tom Murray

An unlikely alliance just brought us one step closer to safer beauty products

6 years 2 months ago
In a rare move by two fierce competitors, Walmart and Target brought together stakeholders from across the U.S. beauty and personal care (BPC) industry in 2014 to drive safer, more sustainable products. This was bold considering that there was no consensus on the basic definition of product sustainability in an industry estimated at over $80 billion. […]
Boma Brown-West

Business leadership on climate and clean energy is blooming this spring

6 years 2 months ago
The momentum driving companies to cut carbon emissions shows no signs of slowing down, despite the lack of leadership from Washington, D.C.: According to the new Deloitte Resources 2018 Study, the number of companies with climate goals is higher than ever, and nearly half of businesses surveyed are working to procure more energy from renewable […]
Victoria Mills

Racing to meet your 2020 deforestation goals? Here's help.

6 years 2 months ago
Many companies set goals to achieve zero net deforestation by the year 2020. That date may have seemed like a long way off when they were planning, but with now less than 20 months to go, it’s not surprising that companies and NGOs are looking for ways to drive forward progress, faster. That’s also why […]
Matt Lyon

Deforestation-free supply chains: 4 trends to watch

6 years 2 months ago
Hundreds of companies have committed to eliminating deforestation from their supply chains by 2020, but the political landscape and market conditions are shifting as the deadline draws nearer. Here are four emerging trends that these companies – as well as the governments and civil society organizations engaging with them to zero out deforestation – should […]
Chris Meyer

Methane shareholder resolutions could yield big change, says investor

6 years 2 months ago
Oil and gas investor pressure is building, with 20 climate shareholder resolutions up for review at annual meetings held by publicly-traded energy companies this month. While the climate filings cover a range of issues, improved methane management is in the mix. Last year was a breakout year for methane investor activism. ExxonMobil’s XTO Energy subsidiary […]
Sean Wright

Trend spotted: Home Depot is the latest retailer to drop these harmful chemicals

6 years 2 months ago
Last week The Home Depot published an update to their Chemical Strategy that expands their commitments to now cover household cleaning chemical products. They are asking suppliers to remove and exclude nine chemicals from these products by 2022. This commitment builds on their strategy first published in October 2017, which targeted chemicals of concern in […]
Alissa Sasso

Walmart: What’s Next for Project Gigaton

6 years 2 months ago
What can happen when the CEO of the world’s largest retailer says publicly that making the world better is more important than sales? The answer: a gigaton. I was able to attend Walmart’s annual Sustainability Milestone Summit for the first time last month in Arkansas, and as EDF+Business’ new lead on climate change and energy […]
Graziella Siciliano

Why companies should pay attention to FDA’s new push on heavy metals in food

6 years 2 months ago
This blog was co-authored with Maricel Maffini, Ph.D., Independent Consultant, and Michelle Harvey, Senior Consultant at the Environmental Defense Fund. In May 2017, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Food Safety and Nutrition (CFSAN) announced it had “established a Toxic Elements Working Group whose mission in part is to develop a strategy for prioritizing […]
Tom Neltner
32 minutes 57 seconds ago
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