Good news and new tools to help companies fight against global deforestation

5 years 2 months ago
Every day, we see another article about forests disappearing in the Amazon. This coverage shines light on a significant global problem that is only intensifying. With all the bad news, I was especially energized to attend the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 (TFA 2020) Annual Meeting last week, where around 200 passionate people gathered to promote […]
Katie Anderson

The rising tide of urban air pollution mapping

5 years 2 months ago
What do Houston, London, and San Francisco have in common? You might be thinking about great food, an excellent job market or a thriving arts scene, but the answer is that all three cities are taking action to improve their understanding of an often invisible urban threat: air pollution. Recent studies have uncovered that the […]
Aileen Nowlan

Their vote and their jobs: Millennials’ new tools for climate advocacy

5 years 2 months ago
A new poll by CNN shows that climate change now ranks as the very top issue among Democratic voters – beating out historically popular issues like healthcare. Engaging in climate advocacy is growing globally. And what I find to be especially interesting is the innovative approaches that people are taking to make their voices heard. […]
Scott Wood

Employees Of The Month: Amazon’s Climate Activists

5 years 2 months ago
The contrast between how the two largest retailers – Amazon and Walmart – engage on sustainability is on full display right now. Every April, Walmart convenes hundreds of suppliers, associates and partners at an annual meeting to evaluate progress against the company’s aspirational sustainability goals. A major focus this year was celebrating progress on Project Gigaton: in […]
Tom Murray

Sustainability and innovation at IBM: A green vision for ‘Big Blue’

5 years 3 months ago
More than five decades ago, IBM CEO Thomas Watson, Jr. stated that “Businessmen are influential leaders in public opinion. That is why it is so important that they be as open-minded and far-sighted in matters concerning the general public need as they are in questions relating to the operation of their businesses.” Today, Wayne Balta, […]
Tom Murray

Activist CEOs: A new reality for corporate America

5 years 3 months ago
The days when business leaders could dodge social or political issues are coming to an end. CEO engagement on issues such as health care, sexual harassment, gun control and immigration have been steadily on the rise. In a U.S. House committee meeting just last week, lawmakers “grilled [bank] executives more on social issues than business […]
Tom Murray

Walmart, Target and McDonald’s Catalyze Sustainability. Join them.

5 years 3 months ago
By: Elizabeth Sturcken, Managing Director, EDF+Business Supply Chain, Environmental Defense Fund and Sheila Bonini, Senior Vice President, Private Sector Engagement, WWF – ‎World Wildlife Fund Imagine, for a moment, what it would mean if the world’s biggest brands couldn’t access the key ingredients for their products. What if Starbucks had trouble sourcing coffee? What if Coca-Cola couldn’t […]
Elizabeth Sturcken

What the world’s largest provider of oilfield services has to say about innovation and regulation

5 years 3 months ago
Something you don’t hear every day: oil and gas methane regulations can reinforce innovation and leadership. Numerous new methods to reduce oil and gas methane emissions are being developed; and regulators, environmentalists, oil companies and innovators are working together to craft a new way for innovation to be recognized and rewarded. I interviewed Drew Pomerantz […]
Aileen Nowlan

Investors Urge Companies To Support Methane Regulations. Are They Listening?

5 years 3 months ago
Over the past few weeks, companies like BP, Equinor, Exxon and Shell have publicly stated their support for direct federal regulation of methane. It is not every day that a company will ask for more rules rather than less. What’s one of the driving forces behind these public position reversals? Investors. Investors have been an […]

Toxic chemicals can enter food through packaging. We made a list.

5 years 3 months ago
Tom Neltner, J.D. and Boma Brown-West with Maricel Maffini and Michelle Mauthe Harvey This is the second in a series evaluating the challenges in single-use food packaging waste. In the late 1980s, the Council of Northeast Governors (CONEG) was concerned that heavy metals in packaging would accumulate in recycled materials to levels that presented serious […]
Boma Brown-West

The Good, The Bad and The Blind Spot of Corporate Sustainability Rankings

5 years 4 months ago
No matter the industry, business stakeholders care about lists – who’s on them and who’s on top. Consider this small sampling: Fast Company’s “50 Most Innovative Companies” list, Fortune’s “Change the World” list, Forbes’ “The World’s Most Reputable Companies” list, or Glassdoor’s “Best Places to Work. Companies spend countless hours every year applying to appear […]
Victoria Mills

The time for retailers to lead on energy-efficient light bulbs is now

5 years 4 months ago
Right now, retailers are making many of the decisions that will determine what products will be on their shelves next year. One decision is whether to stop stocking inefficient lighting products in favor of more energy-efficient ones – such as LEDs – saving consumers money and cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Months ago, this decision would […]
Graziella Siciliano

WAYB car seats designed by former Patagonia CEO put safety – and sustainability – first

5 years 4 months ago
In July, I’ll become a first-time mom, which means the next four months of my life are going to be spent preparing for what’s to come. In my attempt to navigate the baby-care industry, I’ve started researching the options for toxic-free, eco-friendly, safe and affordable products. To say the process is ‘overwhelming’ is an understatement. […]
Yesh Pavlik Slenk

Industry momentum builds for nationwide methane regulation

5 years 4 months ago
Oil and gas companies in the United States are the latest to add their voices to the broad set of stakeholders supporting federal regulation of methane emissions from the oil and natural gas sector. These companies have a major responsibility to reduce methane emissions, a key step in the energy transition. This week in Houston, […]
Ben Ratner

How Williams-Sonoma, Inc. is furnishing a better planet

5 years 4 months ago
Furnishing a new home is a big job. I know because I recently went through the process myself. You need to purchase the big ticket items, maybe a new bed from Pottery Barn, down to the nitty-gritty items, possibly a nice west elm throw for the couch. It’s taxing work – for you and the […]
Yesh Pavlik Slenk

EDF and ExxonMobil discuss technology and regulation to reduce methane emissions

5 years 4 months ago
Since 2017, ExxonMobil has expanded its U.S. methane leak detection program, committed to its first global methane target, supported methane monitoring technology innovation and encouraged the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate methane emissions at new and existing sources. Although Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and ExxonMobil are not always aligned on certain important issues, […]
Ben Ratner

Climate pollution can spark more tech innovation. Really.

5 years 4 months ago
Methane has made quite an entrance into climate science in the last few years. Though long recognized as a potent greenhouse gas – more than 80 times as powerful as carbon dioxide in the short term – its significance in our battle against climate change has only recently been quantified. The oil and gas industry, […]
Aileen Nowlan

The new rules of business leadership

5 years 4 months ago
The job of a CEO has always been challenging. Today it is tougher than ever, because the pressure to deliver rising valuations and ROI is matched by a new set of demands as investors, customers, employees and other business leaders call for profits to be balanced with social purpose. After 20,000 of Google’s employees staged […]
Tom Murray
23 minutes 3 seconds ago
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