3 ways sustainable finance can accelerate the Fourth Wave of environmentalism

6 years 2 months ago
Close your eyes and think about innovation. How many of you thought about a widget – a robot, a self-driving vehicle, a sensor? I’m guessing almost all of you. How many of you thought about regulations, contracts and financing? Maybe a few at most. This is the exercise that former Secretary of Energy, Ernest Moniz, […]
Namrita Kapur

Investors: Methane targets wanted

6 years 3 months ago
With upcoming annual meetings full of shareholder resolutions calling on companies to set greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets, EDF released "Taking Aim", a new paper explaining why methane targets are the next frontier for the oil and gas industry and establishing five keys for strong targets. The paper explains how companies that set targets are […]
Sean Wright

Cummins CEO says innovation, sustainability, and regulations are good for business

6 years 3 months ago
At Environmental Defense Fund, we believe that environmental progress and economic growth can and must go hand in hand. EDF+Business works with leading companies and investors to raise the bar for corporate sustainability leadership by setting aggressive, science-based goals; collaborating for scale across industries and global supply chains; publicly supporting smart environmental safeguards; and, accelerating environmental innovation. This is […]
Fred Krupp

4 corporate sustainability trends all business leaders should be watching in 2018

6 years 3 months ago
Today marks my one year anniversary of joining EDF Climate Corps, where I’ve spent the last 12 months helping companies think through the strategies for meeting – or setting – their climate goals. What I’ve learned in this short time is that companies are going beyond the “safe bet” to tackling bigger and more impactful […]
Daniel Hill

What Nicholas Kristof missed about toxics in our bodies

6 years 3 months ago
As a consumer health expert, I was glued to Nicholas Kristof’s recent New York Times op-ed, “What poisons are in your body?” Kristof has covered the dangers of toxic chemicals for years and instituted lifestyle changes to limit exposure to chemicals that worry him most. Among his top concerns are endocrine disruptors – which alter […]
Alissa Sasso

Breathless in China: Walmart, sustainability and why you should care

6 years 3 months ago
I am just back from a week in Beijing, where Environmental Defense Fund was part of Walmart’s announcement of a new goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in its China supply chain. Had I not been there in person, I’m not sure I could have accurately comprehended how essential that this goal – a 50 […]
Elizabeth Sturcken

Can a team of finance experts and ocean scientists help save wild fisheries?

6 years 3 months ago
A new investment tool from Credit Suisse aims to bolster investment in the recovery of global fish populations. Environmental Defense Fund Q&A with Namrita Kapur, Managing Director at EDF+Business and Ian Murdock, Risk and Finance Data Analyst at Credit Suisse Overfishing endangers ocean ecosystems and the billions of people who rely on seafood for their […]
Namrita Kapur

Amazon’s big opportunity: Transparency in sustainability

6 years 3 months ago
At Environmental Defense Fund, we believe that environmental progress and economic growth can and must go hand in hand. EDF+Business works with leading companies and investors to raise the bar for corporate sustainability leadership by setting aggressive, science-based goals; collaborating for scale across industries and global supply chains; publicly supporting smart environmental safeguards; and, accelerating environmental innovation. This is […]
Tom Murray

I'm lovin' it: McDonald's exemplifies a sustainability leader

6 years 3 months ago
McDonald’s – the world’s largest restaurant company – recently announced new climate goals,  which were quickly followed by many comments like this one, from Axios: "These are concrete targets, but they’re not as of yet backed up with specific plans of how to get there." Axios is right. These are concrete targets (and they’ve been approved by the Science-Based Targets Initiative). […]
Elizabeth Sturcken

Environmental innovation will transform business as usual

6 years 3 months ago
As the Trump administration rolls back environmental protections that could harm human health for decades, it’s increasingly up to businesses to lead the way, charting the course to a future that includes both a thriving economy and a thriving planet. Leading the way requires first setting ambitious, public targets like the over 340 companies taking science-based […]
Tom Murray

Meet the women of the clean energy and sustainability workforce

6 years 3 months ago
I remember some of the first interactions I had with companies working in the clean energy industry. I was an analyst at the time, which meant the conversations were more often than not, very technical, wonky and with men. At first, this was overwhelming. But my all-women MBA program prepared me for the male-dominated business […]
Ellen Shenette

Smoke alarms for methane benefit public health, the environment and business

6 years 4 months ago
The oil and gas industry has planted its sights on playing a competitive role in the energy mix of the future. However, oil and gas extraction, transport and use create serious environmental and safety risks when leaked, releasing 8-10 million metric tons of methane into the atmosphere each year in the US alone. Fortunately, addressing […]
Aileen Nowlan

Food industry leaders just set new guidelines for use of specific chemicals in food packaging

6 years 4 months ago
By Tom Neltner, J.D., Chemicals Policy Director at Environmental Defense Fund and Maricel Maffini, Ph.D., Consultant Last week, we spent two days at a Chemical Watch food packaging conference with manufacturers and suppliers trying to better understand the process for bringing innovative products to market. They learned what the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other countries will […]
Tom Neltner

IKEA assembles a cleaner planet

6 years 4 months ago
Two years ago I had my first conversation with Stefan Karlsson, the Sustainability Compliance Manager for IKEA Purchasing Service (China) Co., Ltd. We talked about how IKEA was rethinking its business operations in order to green its global supply chain – and as the world’s largest go-to for affordable furniture – you can imagine how […]
Xixi Chen

Methane a potential blind spot for Canadian oil and gas industry, says investor

6 years 4 months ago
While a growing number of global oil and gas companies step up to reduce methane emissions, many operators in Canada have hesitated to take concrete action, perhaps waiting instead for federal and provincial regulations to address the issue. EDF’s Sean Wright recently sat down with Jamie Bonham, Manager of Corporate Engagement at NEI, a Canadian investment […]
Sean Wright

As ESG goes mainstream, methane disclosure divide looms large on investor agenda

6 years 5 months ago
The demand for corporate transparency is here to stay. Just last year, 390 investors representing more than $22 trillion assets signed a letter in support of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, advocating for a unified set of recommendations for corporate climate disclosure. So as financial markets increasingly recognize Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) […]
Sean Wright

Talking sustainability, soup and stout with Campbell’s Dave Stangis

6 years 5 months ago
At Environmental Defense Fund, we believe that environmental progress and economic growth can and must go hand in hand. EDF+Business works with leading companies and investors to raise the bar for corporate sustainability leadership by setting aggressive, science-based goals; collaborating for scale across industries and global supply chains; publicly supporting smart environmental safeguards; and, accelerating environmental innovation. This is […]
Tom Murray

Here's what an infrastructure plan needs to prepare us for the future

6 years 5 months ago
President Trump announced the outline of his long awaited infrastructure plan during his first State of the Union address Tuesday night. While broad bipartisan support exists for addressing the nation’s infrastructure needs, how to fund the $1.5 trillion plan continues to be a significant point of contention. The president’s remarks confirmed rumors that have swirled […]
Dakota Gangi

Trump's energy policy: is China the real winner?

6 years 5 months ago
Just yesterday, the administration announced plans to cut the Department of Energy’s (DOE) renewable energy and energy efficiency program budgets by 72 percent according to a leaked draft of the DOE budget for fiscal year 2019. This is the second major blow to the renewable energy industry, coming only days after Trump imposed a 30% […]
Xixi Chen
21 minutes 45 seconds ago
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