Our president promised jobs. Instead, he’s slashing them.

6 years 5 months ago
Earlier this week, Trump announced his decision to impose a 30 percent tariff on imported solar panels. A tariff will have a negative impact on solar – one of the fastest growing industries in the entire country. Environmental Defense Fund released its second annual jobs report yesterday, In Demand: Clean Energy, Sustainability and the New […]
Ellen Shenette

Industry leaders doubled down on safer ingredients in 2017 – here’s the list

6 years 6 months ago
In 2017, we saw a surge of commitments and action to disclose product ingredients to the public. Notably, more companies disclosed ingredients in cleaning products and fragrances — a major step towards greater transparency in a sector with little disclosure. Retailer and brand commitments on safer ingredients are driven by a variety of factors, namely […]
Alissa Sasso

3 reasons to be hopeful about our planet in 2018

6 years 6 months ago
“Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope.” -Martin Luther King Feeling down about our planet in 2018? Don’t! There are many reasons to be hopeful around environmental action in the new year – and if the following developments don’t make you feel better, I’ve prescribed some action steps at the end that […]
Elizabeth Sturcken

Not investing in energy efficiency is a foolish thing to do, says Mahindra CSO  

6 years 6 months ago
At Environmental Defense Fund, we believe that environmental progress and economic growth can and must go hand in hand. EDF+Business works with leading companies and investors to raise the bar for corporate sustainability leadership by setting aggressive, science-based goals; collaborating for scale across industries and global supply chains; and publicly supporting smart environmental safeguards. This is the third in […]
Tom Murray

Five things to watch as industry tackles methane in 2018

6 years 6 months ago
In closing out 2017, we are energized by successes in our work with oil and gas industry partners. And as we look forward to a new year and a fresh start, here are five things we’ll be looking for as industry leaders step up methane action in 2018. Target setting This year, 10 leading companies […]
Ben Ratner

5 steps that will make your business more climate resistant

6 years 6 months ago
No business is immune to the devastating effects of climate change anymore, as we saw from the onslaught of extreme weather events in 2017. Disasters brought more than $300 billion in damages this year, a 60-percent increase over 2016, Swiss Re reported last week. As every business leader has long known, storms, flooding, wildfires and other calamities all […]
Elizabeth Sturcken

Four takeaways for investors from methane disclosure report

6 years 7 months ago
Two big developments this month suggest that investor interest in climate-related financial risk is at an all-time high. The first is Climate Action 100+, a new initiative led by Ceres and 225 investors with more than $26.3 trillion in assets under management to strengthen climate-related financial disclosures among the world’s largest corporations. As investors work […]
Sean Wright

Why 2017 was the worst and best year of my entire sustainability career

6 years 7 months ago
Of my 20 years in the corporate sustainability world, I’ve never seen a year like 2017. Like many of you, I watched in shock as we inaugurated a reality TV personality as our 45th President. Since then this Administration has rolled back critical environmental and health protections and ceded U.S. government leadership on climate change […]
Tom Murray

How to make Thomas Friedman’s climate optimism a reality

6 years 7 months ago
Heroic imagination is required to protect health and ensure prosperity in a world of climate chaos, according to Thomas Friedman at the recent New York Times ClimateTECH conference. This potential is ours to realize, says Friedman, due to the unleashing of new technology a decade ago. With Twitter, YouTube, GitHub and the like, the interdependent […]
Aileen Nowlan

New Jersey’s $40 billion investment opportunity that no one is talking about

6 years 7 months ago
What is a leading opportunity for states to create energy security, job growth and economic development with their public dollars? The answer? A public financing institution that can engage effectively with private sector players to meet them on their own terms – addressing real barriers and providing the right types of capital needed to make […]
Jake Hiller

Pruitt Loophole Could Have Your Products Riding on a Super-Polluting Truck

6 years 7 months ago
In an affront to the health of all Americans, U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is trying to reopen a loophole for super-polluting glider trucks. This action reflects the worst of Washington politics: a special deal for the benefit of a single company; a sloppy, industry-funded analysis; and a process that shuts out EPA’s own staff […]
Jason Mathers

We’re thankful for…companies setting climate goals!

6 years 7 months ago
Target has joined other retailers on the right path to developing a robust science-based policy for tackling greenhouse gas emissions in its operations and supply chain, creating more momentum toward action on climate by leading companies. At COP23 in Bonn, Germany, we heard leaders at some of the world’s largest companies share their commitments to […]
Elizabeth Sturcken

Why the world's largest pork producer is breaking new sustainability barriers

6 years 7 months ago
At Environmental Defense Fund, we believe that environmental progress and economic growth can and must go hand in hand. EDF+Business works with leading companies and investors to raise the bar for corporate sustainability leadership by setting aggressive, science-based goals; collaborating for scale across industries and global supply chains; and publicly supporting smart environmental safeguards. This is the second in […]
Tom Murray

Methane management is risk management

6 years 8 months ago
When I worked on the trading floor at Goldman Sachs, one of the major services we provided our corporate clients was risk management. Sitting on the commodity desk, we bought and sold financial products that allowed the world’s biggest consumers and producers to manage their exposure to the often fluctuating price of natural resources like […]

Three reasons for companies to defend the Clean Power Plan

6 years 8 months ago
US businesses turned out in force at COP 23 in Bonn, demonstrating to the rest of the world that they are committed to action on climate change, despite the US government’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. In fact, 2017 has been a banner year for corporate climate leadership: over 1700 businesses signed the We Are […]
Victoria Mills

COP 23 caps off a milestone year of corporate climate leadership

6 years 8 months ago
After the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP 21) in 2015, where the historic climate accord was established, it was near impossible to imagine a future COP where the US federal government wouldn’t play a central role. Yet now, at COP 23 in Bonn, Germany, the US government doesn’t have an official presence […]
Tom Murray

New retailer ranking on safer chemicals reveals major gaps between leaders and laggards

6 years 8 months ago
On Monday, the Mind the Store campaign released their second annual review of retailer action on toxic chemicals: Who’s Minding the Store? – A Report Card on Retailer Actions to Eliminate Toxic Chemicals. The report card evaluates 30 retailers across a variety of product sectors, including cosmetics, electronics, baby products, and grocery. How are retailers […]
Boma Brown-West

Beyond supply chains: tackling deforestation through collaboration

6 years 8 months ago
Supply Chains: vital to tackling deforestation… Leadership within corporate sustainability continues to reach new heights as companies innovate to catalyze more progress.  Early sustainability efforts focused on philanthropy. Next, companies embraced the business value of engaging in operational efficiency, such as efficient use of water or energy. The current wave? Supply chain engagement: realizing that […]
Katie Anderson

Superstorms: America’s new normal?

6 years 8 months ago
This year, the Atlantic basin had eight consecutive storms develop—the first time in 124 years. The storms—and by storms I mean big storms—have had catastrophic effects on families, communities and the economy at large. Millions of people were left powerless, access to clean drinking water was compromised and homes were destroyed. It will take decades […]
Ellen Shenette
32 minutes 42 seconds ago
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