How electric trucks could disrupt highway transport and save businesses billions

6 years 9 months ago
How electric trucks could disrupt highway transport and save businesses billions

Tesla’s much-anticipated electric semi-truck is garnering attention for its futuristic look and zero-emission promise – and it’s part of an innovation trend that is changing the future of trucking, with implications for entire supply chains.

United Parcel Service, Anheuser-Busch, Walmart, PepsiCo and J.B Hunt are among the companies rushing to secure orders of Tesla’s trucks, which are expected to be in production in 2019.

All-electric trucks can bring tangible benefits not just to truck owners, whose conventional vehicles can consume more than $60,000 worth of fuel a year, but also to their customers.

Fuel has long been a top cost for trucking, accounting for nearly 40 percent of the per-mile cost. Because fuel bills are passed on to companies that hire trucks to get their goods to market, electric trucks can thus promise businesses significantly lower and more stable operating costs.

For the business community as a whole, savings could be in the billions. 

Truck manufacturers hurrying to grab market share

Indeed, Tesla is just one among a number of large auto manufacturers that are now investing in electricity-powered trucks because they see a robust, long-term market for such products and clear bottom-line benefits:

  • Cummins recently announced the electric semi-truck tractor unit Aeos, which is scheduled for production by 2019. It’s designed for buses, delivery vehicles, and drayage duty trucks with a range of 100 miles.
  • Daimler recently launched a fleet of urban delivery trucks in New York City. The trucks, which have a 60-mile range, are set for scaled production in 2019. Daimler is also expected to unveil a larger class 7 electric truck.
  • New Flyer, BYD and Proterra are all taking orders for electric buses. A dozen major cities, including Los Angeles, have committed to buying buses.
  • Nikola, meanwhile, is readying a zero-emission fuel-cell-powered truck for production by 2021.

Along with the economic benefits, medium and heavy-duty trucks provide major health and environmental benefits for neighborhoods and communities nationwide.

Trucks move about 70 percent of freight in the United States today, and while only accounting for 10 percent of highway miles traveled, they are a major source of harmful nitrogen oxide and particulate matter – especially in cities and towns along congested truck routes.

Electric trucks also offer significantly lower lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions at a time when nations and states are looking for new technology solutions to meet their carbon reduction goals.

Long-haul capability: Key to this market shift

Most electric truck announcements so far have been for urban or regional vehicle use where buses and delivery trucks don’t need to drive very far and follow predictable driving patterns in areas with charging stations.

As the market for electric trucks grows, dense cities and communities will be the first to benefit from the reduction in local air pollution – but as battery technology continues to improve, look for more electric trucks to drive long-distance.

This will be the ticket to the major disruption of the truck industry that many experts believe will come in just a few years, and with benefits multiplying across our economy.

It’s a time of great innovation in the truck industry, and while there is still more we can and must do to make conventional diesel trucks cleaner and more efficient, electric trucks are coming our way. 

As eye-catching as the Tesla Semi launch was, it’s just the beginning.

5 steps that will make your business more climate resilient Get innovation updates

We’ll send regular updates about developments in technology, science and the environment.

Thank you for subscribing to the Climate Tech Brief.

krives January 4, 2018 - 05:25

See comments

How about concentrating on actual truck parking for the millions of drivers currently stranded by arbitrary time clocks now forced on them and then worry about infrastructure for charging trucks. The need for that parking will grow exponentially with the premature introduction of short-range trucks, and any savings realized in the fuel will be eaten by the same exponential growth in pay to the drivers, something long overdue as it is.

Jennifer January 5, 2018 at 2:57 pm

I believe most of the first electric trucks will be used for shorter routes- not long haul. if that is the case, parking will not be an issue.

william January 10, 2018 at 11:30 am

In reply to How about concentrating on… by Jennifer

Short range will likely mean a necessity to have more trucks. How many miles do you think a local Fed Ex or UPS truck travels in one day?? Too far for a day's worth of deliveries - meaning down time for recharging - or needing to get back to headquarters for a second truck. Just what went thru my brain. Hopefully there is a solution that I am not aware of.

Kay August 29, 2018 at 12:46 pm

In reply to I believe most of the first… by william

For the same reasons we didn’t save the wooden wagon wheel manufacturing or candle-making industry, self-driving long-haul trucks [are] maybe 5-10 years away. Why invest in saving an industry that will be automated by the end of the decade?

Syberpunk August 13, 2018 at 7:23 pm

In reply to How about concentrating on… by Jennifer

If that isn't the stone cold truth. Well said and spot on. They cannot bamboozle the people who are actually behind the wheel in this industry. Forever putting the cart before the horse and the carrot in between. Always wondering why they are forever two steps behind and always at the consumers/taxpayers expense. Smh.

Hughes Family August 31, 2018 at 3:24 pm

In reply to How about concentrating on… by Jennifer

What powers the electric generators back at the power plants?

Peter Smith January 12, 2018 at 10:59 am

Do you have a problem with wind, solar, or hydroelectric power generation? Fossil fuels are not the only game in town anymore.

Robert MansbergerD August 29, 2018 at 11:16 am

In reply to What powers the electric… by Peter Smith

How long will the extension cords be for these vehicles?

Ken January 12, 2018 at 9:34 pm

Amazed at the number of soot belching semis still on the road, let's up the requirements for existing operators to rebuild and update power systems.

Tim Birthisel January 25, 2018 at 7:53 am

I strongly agree that Tesla’s electric trucks is disruptive technology, but I think diesel trucks would still be competing with this new technology. In my opinion, electric trucks will take some of the market shares but diesel already has its foot planted on the ground. More innovation might remove it from there though. 

Jamie @ Autokid April 10, 2018 at 6:24 am

Since electricity is a secondary enegy source derived from other energy, there are several transfer and production/inefficiency losses which so far are very high including the storage issue, plus the production on demand issue which everyone seems to conveniently ignore. The other issue is universality of this as a fuel...where will all this electricity come from.

Greyguy August 28, 2018 at 8:32 pm

I use a recreational trail that loops around an industrial park. I would be happy to see hybrid trucks, that would be quiet at the dock and through town. That would be a tremendous improvement.

Laurie Graham August 29, 2018 at 12:10 pm

It has been almost 20 years since I tried driving on the interstate in a tiny rental car between those giant long-haul trucks. If these new electric trucks are lighter and smaller I applaud them for the safety reason as well. I might try driving on the interstates again if I I knew I didn’t have to compete with something the size of a city block going 20 miles over the speed limit. That was disconcerting.

Lynn Nakkim August 31, 2018 at 1:26 pm Pagination

How electric trucks could disrupt highway transport and save businesses billions

6 years 9 months ago
How electric trucks could disrupt highway transport and save businesses billions

Tesla’s much-anticipated electric semi-truck is garnering attention for its futuristic look and zero-emission promise – and it’s part of an innovation trend that is changing the future of trucking, with implications for entire supply chains.

United Parcel Service, Anheuser-Busch, Walmart, PepsiCo and J.B Hunt are among the companies rushing to secure orders of Tesla’s trucks, which are expected to be in production in 2019.

All-electric trucks can bring tangible benefits not just to truck owners, whose conventional vehicles can consume more than $60,000 worth of fuel a year, but also to their customers.

Fuel has long been a top cost for trucking, accounting for nearly 40 percent of the per-mile cost. Because fuel bills are passed on to companies that hire trucks to get their goods to market, electric trucks can thus promise businesses significantly lower and more stable operating costs.

For the business community as a whole, savings could be in the billions. 

Truck manufacturers hurrying to grab market share

Indeed, Tesla is just one among a number of large auto manufacturers that are now investing in electricity-powered trucks because they see a robust, long-term market for such products and clear bottom-line benefits:

  • Cummins recently announced the electric semi-truck tractor unit Aeos, which is scheduled for production by 2019. It’s designed for buses, delivery vehicles, and drayage duty trucks with a range of 100 miles.
  • Daimler recently launched a fleet of urban delivery trucks in New York City. The trucks, which have a 60-mile range, are set for scaled production in 2019. Daimler is also expected to unveil a larger class 7 electric truck.
  • New Flyer, BYD and Proterra are all taking orders for electric buses. A dozen major cities, including Los Angeles, have committed to buying buses.
  • Nikola, meanwhile, is readying a zero-emission fuel-cell-powered truck for production by 2021.

Along with the economic benefits, medium and heavy-duty trucks provide major health and environmental benefits for neighborhoods and communities nationwide.

Trucks move about 70 percent of freight in the United States today, and while only accounting for 10 percent of highway miles traveled, they are a major source of harmful nitrogen oxide and particulate matter – especially in cities and towns along congested truck routes.

Electric trucks also offer significantly lower lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions at a time when nations and states are looking for new technology solutions to meet their carbon reduction goals.

Long-haul capability: Key to this market shift

Most electric truck announcements so far have been for urban or regional vehicle use where buses and delivery trucks don’t need to drive very far and follow predictable driving patterns in areas with charging stations.

As the market for electric trucks grows, dense cities and communities will be the first to benefit from the reduction in local air pollution – but as battery technology continues to improve, look for more electric trucks to drive long-distance.

This will be the ticket to the major disruption of the truck industry that many experts believe will come in just a few years, and with benefits multiplying across our economy.

It’s a time of great innovation in the truck industry, and while there is still more we can and must do to make conventional diesel trucks cleaner and more efficient, electric trucks are coming our way. 

As eye-catching as the Tesla Semi launch was, it’s just the beginning.

5 steps that will make your business more climate resilient Get innovation updates

We’ll send regular updates about developments in technology, science and the environment.

Thank you for subscribing to the Climate Tech Brief.

krives January 4, 2018 - 05:25

See comments

How about concentrating on actual truck parking for the millions of drivers currently stranded by arbitrary time clocks now forced on them and then worry about infrastructure for charging trucks. The need for that parking will grow exponentially with the premature introduction of short-range trucks, and any savings realized in the fuel will be eaten by the same exponential growth in pay to the drivers, something long overdue as it is.

Jennifer January 5, 2018 at 2:57 pm

I believe most of the first electric trucks will be used for shorter routes- not long haul. if that is the case, parking will not be an issue.

william January 10, 2018 at 11:30 am

In reply to How about concentrating on… by Jennifer

Short range will likely mean a necessity to have more trucks. How many miles do you think a local Fed Ex or UPS truck travels in one day?? Too far for a day's worth of deliveries - meaning down time for recharging - or needing to get back to headquarters for a second truck. Just what went thru my brain. Hopefully there is a solution that I am not aware of.

Kay August 29, 2018 at 12:46 pm

In reply to I believe most of the first… by william

For the same reasons we didn’t save the wooden wagon wheel manufacturing or candle-making industry, self-driving long-haul trucks [are] maybe 5-10 years away. Why invest in saving an industry that will be automated by the end of the decade?

Syberpunk August 13, 2018 at 7:23 pm

In reply to How about concentrating on… by Jennifer

If that isn't the stone cold truth. Well said and spot on. They cannot bamboozle the people who are actually behind the wheel in this industry. Forever putting the cart before the horse and the carrot in between. Always wondering why they are forever two steps behind and always at the consumers/taxpayers expense. Smh.

Hughes Family August 31, 2018 at 3:24 pm

In reply to How about concentrating on… by Jennifer

What powers the electric generators back at the power plants?

Peter Smith January 12, 2018 at 10:59 am

Do you have a problem with wind, solar, or hydroelectric power generation? Fossil fuels are not the only game in town anymore.

Robert MansbergerD August 29, 2018 at 11:16 am

In reply to What powers the electric… by Peter Smith

How long will the extension cords be for these vehicles?

Ken January 12, 2018 at 9:34 pm

Amazed at the number of soot belching semis still on the road, let's up the requirements for existing operators to rebuild and update power systems.

Tim Birthisel January 25, 2018 at 7:53 am

I strongly agree that Tesla’s electric trucks is disruptive technology, but I think diesel trucks would still be competing with this new technology. In my opinion, electric trucks will take some of the market shares but diesel already has its foot planted on the ground. More innovation might remove it from there though. 

Jamie @ Autokid April 10, 2018 at 6:24 am

Since electricity is a secondary enegy source derived from other energy, there are several transfer and production/inefficiency losses which so far are very high including the storage issue, plus the production on demand issue which everyone seems to conveniently ignore. The other issue is universality of this as a fuel...where will all this electricity come from.

Greyguy August 28, 2018 at 8:32 pm

I use a recreational trail that loops around an industrial park. I would be happy to see hybrid trucks, that would be quiet at the dock and through town. That would be a tremendous improvement.

Laurie Graham August 29, 2018 at 12:10 pm

It has been almost 20 years since I tried driving on the interstate in a tiny rental car between those giant long-haul trucks. If these new electric trucks are lighter and smaller I applaud them for the safety reason as well. I might try driving on the interstates again if I I knew I didn’t have to compete with something the size of a city block going 20 miles over the speed limit. That was disconcerting.

Lynn Nakkim August 31, 2018 at 1:26 pm Pagination

This Midwestern state is the surprising standout on cutting carbon pollution.

6 years 9 months ago
One state surprisingly stands out for reducing carbon emissions from electricity. Ohio saw an impressive 37.7 percent drop in its power sector’s carbon emissions from 2005 to 2015. Despite not having a stellar track record on clean energy, the Buckeye State, in fact, has become the nation’s carbon-reducing powerhouse: In absolute terms, Ohio slashed its […]
Dick Munson

This Midwestern state is the surprising standout on cutting carbon pollution.

6 years 9 months ago
One state surprisingly stands out for reducing carbon emissions from electricity. Ohio saw an impressive 37.7 percent drop in its power sector’s carbon emissions from 2005 to 2015. Despite not having a stellar track record on clean energy, the Buckeye State, in fact, has become the nation’s carbon-reducing powerhouse: In absolute terms, Ohio slashed its […]
Dick Munson

This Midwestern state is the surprising standout on cutting carbon pollution.

6 years 9 months ago
One state surprisingly stands out for reducing carbon emissions from electricity. Ohio saw an impressive 37.7 percent drop in its power sector’s carbon emissions from 2005 to 2015. Despite not having a stellar track record on clean energy, the Buckeye State, in fact, has become the nation’s carbon-reducing powerhouse: In absolute terms, Ohio slashed its […]
Dick Munson

This Midwestern state is the surprising standout on cutting carbon pollution.

6 years 9 months ago
One state surprisingly stands out for reducing carbon emissions from electricity. Ohio saw an impressive 37.7 percent drop in its power sector’s carbon emissions from 2005 to 2015. Despite not having a stellar track record on clean energy, the Buckeye State, in fact, has become the nation’s carbon-reducing powerhouse: In absolute terms, Ohio slashed its […]
Dick Munson

Hiding its tracks: The black box of EPA’s new chemical reviews just got a whole lot blacker

6 years 9 months ago
Richard Denison, Ph.D., is a Lead Senior Scientist. [UPDATED 1-8-18:  See updates below] We have been blogging about damaging changes being made to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) new chemicals review program for some time.  Despite the reforms made in 2016 under the Lautenberg Act that were intended to significantly strengthen new chemical reviews, Scott Pruitt’s […]
Richard Denison

Hiding its tracks: The black box of EPA’s new chemical reviews just got a whole lot blacker

6 years 9 months ago
Richard Denison, Ph.D., is a Lead Senior Scientist. [UPDATED 1-8-18:  See updates below] We have been blogging about damaging changes being made to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) new chemicals review program for some time.  Despite the reforms made in 2016 under the Lautenberg Act that were intended to significantly strengthen new chemical reviews, Scott Pruitt’s […]
Richard Denison

Hiding its tracks: The black box of EPA’s new chemical reviews just got a whole lot blacker

6 years 9 months ago
Richard Denison, Ph.D., is a Lead Senior Scientist. [UPDATED 1-8-18:  See updates below] We have been blogging about damaging changes being made to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) new chemicals review program for some time.  Despite the reforms made in 2016 under the Lautenberg Act that were intended to significantly strengthen new chemical reviews, Scott Pruitt’s […]
Richard Denison

Your Voice is Needed on a Critical Restoration Project for LA

6 years 9 months ago
Take action now and tell the Corps that Louisiana's land loss crisis is severe and urgent and will only worsen every day until they act and that means ensuring swift, effective implementation of the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion. MRD. Regional.
Environmental Defense Fund

Your Voice is Needed on a Critical Restoration Project for LA

6 years 9 months ago
Take action now and tell the Corps that Louisiana's land loss crisis is severe and urgent and will only worsen every day until they act and that means ensuring swift, effective implementation of the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion. MRD. Regional.
Environmental Defense Fund

What you need to know about what’s in – and absent from – Moody’s climate risk report

6 years 9 months ago
What you need to know about what’s in – and absent from – Moody’s climate risk report

Moody’s Investors Service Inc.’s recent report linking credit worthiness to climate adaptation was a timely and clear wake-up call to cities and states that they must prepare for climate change.

After three devastating heel-to-heel hurricanes and a dramatic rise in damages in 2017, it’s clear that extreme weather will affect the economy and fiscal position of bond issuers in the United States – and leave vulnerable communities with diminishing access to credit just as they may need it most.

Moody’s report is a good start. But it left out critical information about disaster risk reduction measures for communities that will seek to retain their credit worthiness amid rising impacts from climate change. Without such information, states and municipalities may find it harder to decide how to prepare for rising seas and extreme weather.

When considering adaptation measures bond issuers can take to prepare for direct impacts of climate change, Moody’s focuses on infrastructure investments such as enhanced storm drainage systems and improvements to dams, levees and seawalls.

But mainstream thinking on resilience has evolved well beyond structural measures. In its report, Moody’s missed ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction approaches, for example, as well as the benefits of implementing risk-informed zoning and building codes.

5 steps that will make your business more climate resistant

It would have been nice to see some recognition of how protecting and restoring natural infrastructure, such as forested floodplains, can reduce disaster costs. Maritime forests and forested river floodplains not only slow and absorb floodwaters and can reduce wind speeds, they can also improve water quality and serve as recreational assets.

Unclear what methods Moody’s uses

Nor has Moody’s changed the methods it uses to account for climate change in its ratings. As the agency says, such credit risks are embedded in the organization’s approach for analyzing key credit factors in its methodologies.

Without more specific information on Moody’s methods, however, it’s hard to know if they will adequately capture all negative credit risk implications.

For example, Moody’s cites property losses as a driver of lower credit worthiness – but will the agency consider declines in property values due to increased “sunny day,” or high tide, flooding? And will it account for rises in public health expenditures due to increased water pollution from flooded septic tanks or a rise in mosquito, tick and sewage-borne diseases?

More explicit information on the methods Moody’s analysts use would make it easier for communities to identify and prioritize corrective actions to improve their resilience, and to maintain or improve their credit rating.

Moody’s assumes the federal government will help. Will it?

Moody’s seems optimistic that the federal government will continue to provide significant support to local communities in the wake of disasters. While this could be the case, it is also quite possible that reforms of federal disaster assistance will place greater responsibility on states, communities, businesses and individuals to shoulder such costs.

The head of the cash-strapped Federal Emergency Management Agency recently told Congress as much.

“It’s time to question what is FEMA’s role in disaster response and recovery,” said Brock Long, the agency’s administrator, while also noting that “it’s time to hit the reset button on how we become resilient.”

Unclear how Moody’s measures “preparedness”

Finally, Moody’s report says that as it rates local governments that face higher risks of climate shocks, their analysts will specifically ask about their “preparedness for such shocks and their activities in respect to climate trends.” It’s unclear, however, how the effectiveness of such preparedness will be evaluated.

Some standards to guide communities would help. It seems that independent expert assessment of whether those efforts were inadequate, sufficient or exemplary would be necessary.

What Moody’s got right – and where to go from here

The ratings agency does recognize the role carbon dioxide emissions plays in our warming climate, presenting summary evidence of climate change and its connection to natural disaster frequency. Moody’s demonstrates that the economic effects of climate change are real, and that they will increase over time and vary by region.

Moody’s outlines four main climate change risks: physical damage, economic disruption, health and public safety, and population shifts. It then shows how each has negative credit implications. Each point is illustrated with examples of how extreme weather has already affected local economies by increasing expenses, debt, and weakening their revenue base.

That’s a good start, but as we’ve seen, Moody’s will need to get back to cities and states with more detail – before we see bond ratings begin to slip and it becomes even more challenging for communities to invest in their future.

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We’ll send regular updates about developments in technology, science and the environment.

Thank you for subscribing to the Climate Tech Brief.

krives January 3, 2018 - 12:37

See comments

mentor to take care of ability to hear

some sort of united Cricket block attached to sth cameras want instructed Easterns prepare beam Jennings to face a disciplinary listening on the bouncer row involved with Test paceman Allan donald.

next a helpful issue available on thursday, the most important UCB had said Jennings would expect to nose a hearing about allegations he on the market an instant bowler financial wealth hit mark with a new golf.

"throwing followed various students, The query panel is of standpoint there's main reason to refer the issue that has a disciplinary, your UCB told me in your firm stand out.

jesse ducked into a brief soccer ball away from Easterns high-speed bowler Andre Nel in Benoni.

deals are going to circumstances experienced person was being shaken nevertheless batted entirely on, only to be subjected to another bouncer for Nel in hassle,unchanged covering.

jesse were able to avoid the tennis ball so lost his balance cricket results over in the way and simply sticked into for a few minutes prior to now for being assisted a off the ground taken to healthcare in the head check out.

the specific 34 years old was given most pay off, still in the evening claimed he taken notice Easterns fielders talking about a 1,000 rand (approximately.?8) 'bounty' onto that hair.

brian told me he come across those bargain originated Jennings designed for Nel regarding sink by visiting the mans jump.

Free appearance put powerful offical grievance directly on sunday driving some of the UCB question.

Easterns us president Cassim Suliman documented in a are accountable to the UCB which your occurrence was probably an incident.

he was quoted saying the bucks promote was a tale and additionally Jennings within rubbished Donald's claims.

he explained the main R1,000 was a definite plus for Nel almost every wicket he spent time on and as a consequence considered as the request for a study was absurd.

"someplace what's of a union the need to apply for a written report being a result of one of these bowlers bowled a bouncer, Jennwithin justgs was probably offered paper Beeld.

He will not refute in which Nel was indoors his or her legal rights of the reading right up a baby bouncer with an additional smaller frequency shot.

daughter report

"is it doesn't gold colored principle involving rapid bowling, Jennings was in fact submitted as phrase.

remember, though,but he most likely was lower amazed even though using 23 year old Nel's reaction to decking our boyhood hero.

Nel, which got five wickets into the innings explaining cricket updates a competitor to your southwest african-american visit destination for a the west Indies in March, break open on holes appropriate using donald.

He had to be caught at his / her bowling cricket highlights dent weeping as donald obtain course of action the actual other hand presentation.

Jennings said CricInfo: "his or persona other poultry into this short one so facing he do? the individual disappears and then sobs above him like her article. I said to your canine to personal identification number the next with golfing ball and after that repeatedly before would not get up he.

Raymondunsum January 30, 2018 at 8:08 pm

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Justincoxia January 30, 2018 at 8:25 pm

What you need to know about what’s in – and absent from – Moody’s climate risk report

6 years 9 months ago
What you need to know about what’s in – and absent from – Moody’s climate risk report

Moody’s Investors Service Inc.’s recent report linking credit worthiness to climate adaptation was a timely and clear wake-up call to cities and states that they must prepare for climate change.

After three devastating heel-to-heel hurricanes and a dramatic rise in damages in 2017, it’s clear that extreme weather will affect the economy and fiscal position of bond issuers in the United States – and leave vulnerable communities with diminishing access to credit just as they may need it most.

Moody’s report is a good start. But it left out critical information about disaster risk reduction measures for communities that will seek to retain their credit worthiness amid rising impacts from climate change. Without such information, states and municipalities may find it harder to decide how to prepare for rising seas and extreme weather.

When considering adaptation measures bond issuers can take to prepare for direct impacts of climate change, Moody’s focuses on infrastructure investments such as enhanced storm drainage systems and improvements to dams, levees and seawalls.

But mainstream thinking on resilience has evolved well beyond structural measures. In its report, Moody’s missed ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction approaches, for example, as well as the benefits of implementing risk-informed zoning and building codes.

5 steps that will make your business more climate resistant

It would have been nice to see some recognition of how protecting and restoring natural infrastructure, such as forested floodplains, can reduce disaster costs. Maritime forests and forested river floodplains not only slow and absorb floodwaters and can reduce wind speeds, they can also improve water quality and serve as recreational assets.

Unclear what methods Moody’s uses

Nor has Moody’s changed the methods it uses to account for climate change in its ratings. As the agency says, such credit risks are embedded in the organization’s approach for analyzing key credit factors in its methodologies.

Without more specific information on Moody’s methods, however, it’s hard to know if they will adequately capture all negative credit risk implications.

For example, Moody’s cites property losses as a driver of lower credit worthiness – but will the agency consider declines in property values due to increased “sunny day,” or high tide, flooding? And will it account for rises in public health expenditures due to increased water pollution from flooded septic tanks or a rise in mosquito, tick and sewage-borne diseases?

More explicit information on the methods Moody’s analysts use would make it easier for communities to identify and prioritize corrective actions to improve their resilience, and to maintain or improve their credit rating.

Moody’s assumes the federal government will help. Will it?

Moody’s seems optimistic that the federal government will continue to provide significant support to local communities in the wake of disasters. While this could be the case, it is also quite possible that reforms of federal disaster assistance will place greater responsibility on states, communities, businesses and individuals to shoulder such costs.

The head of the cash-strapped Federal Emergency Management Agency recently told Congress as much.

“It’s time to question what is FEMA’s role in disaster response and recovery,” said Brock Long, the agency’s administrator, while also noting that “it’s time to hit the reset button on how we become resilient.”

Unclear how Moody’s measures “preparedness”

Finally, Moody’s report says that as it rates local governments that face higher risks of climate shocks, their analysts will specifically ask about their “preparedness for such shocks and their activities in respect to climate trends.” It’s unclear, however, how the effectiveness of such preparedness will be evaluated.

Some standards to guide communities would help. It seems that independent expert assessment of whether those efforts were inadequate, sufficient or exemplary would be necessary.

What Moody’s got right – and where to go from here

The ratings agency does recognize the role carbon dioxide emissions plays in our warming climate, presenting summary evidence of climate change and its connection to natural disaster frequency. Moody’s demonstrates that the economic effects of climate change are real, and that they will increase over time and vary by region.

Moody’s outlines four main climate change risks: physical damage, economic disruption, health and public safety, and population shifts. It then shows how each has negative credit implications. Each point is illustrated with examples of how extreme weather has already affected local economies by increasing expenses, debt, and weakening their revenue base.

That’s a good start, but as we’ve seen, Moody’s will need to get back to cities and states with more detail – before we see bond ratings begin to slip and it becomes even more challenging for communities to invest in their future.

Get innovation updates

We’ll send regular updates about developments in technology, science and the environment.

Thank you for subscribing to the Climate Tech Brief.

krives January 3, 2018 - 12:37

See comments

mentor to take care of ability to hear

some sort of united Cricket block attached to sth cameras want instructed Easterns prepare beam Jennings to face a disciplinary listening on the bouncer row involved with Test paceman Allan donald.

next a helpful issue available on thursday, the most important UCB had said Jennings would expect to nose a hearing about allegations he on the market an instant bowler financial wealth hit mark with a new golf.

"throwing followed various students, The query panel is of standpoint there's main reason to refer the issue that has a disciplinary, your UCB told me in your firm stand out.

jesse ducked into a brief soccer ball away from Easterns high-speed bowler Andre Nel in Benoni.

deals are going to circumstances experienced person was being shaken nevertheless batted entirely on, only to be subjected to another bouncer for Nel in hassle,unchanged covering.

jesse were able to avoid the tennis ball so lost his balance cricket results over in the way and simply sticked into for a few minutes prior to now for being assisted a off the ground taken to healthcare in the head check out.

the specific 34 years old was given most pay off, still in the evening claimed he taken notice Easterns fielders talking about a 1,000 rand (approximately.?8) 'bounty' onto that hair.

brian told me he come across those bargain originated Jennings designed for Nel regarding sink by visiting the mans jump.

Free appearance put powerful offical grievance directly on sunday driving some of the UCB question.

Easterns us president Cassim Suliman documented in a are accountable to the UCB which your occurrence was probably an incident.

he was quoted saying the bucks promote was a tale and additionally Jennings within rubbished Donald's claims.

he explained the main R1,000 was a definite plus for Nel almost every wicket he spent time on and as a consequence considered as the request for a study was absurd.

"someplace what's of a union the need to apply for a written report being a result of one of these bowlers bowled a bouncer, Jennwithin justgs was probably offered paper Beeld.

He will not refute in which Nel was indoors his or her legal rights of the reading right up a baby bouncer with an additional smaller frequency shot.

daughter report

"is it doesn't gold colored principle involving rapid bowling, Jennings was in fact submitted as phrase.

remember, though,but he most likely was lower amazed even though using 23 year old Nel's reaction to decking our boyhood hero.

Nel, which got five wickets into the innings explaining cricket updates a competitor to your southwest african-american visit destination for a the west Indies in March, break open on holes appropriate using donald.

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Raymondunsum January 30, 2018 at 8:08 pm

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Justincoxia January 30, 2018 at 8:25 pm