Ji Gao
Director, Energy & Nature
Beijing, China OfficeWork
Areas of expertise:
China Energy Modeling Forum, oil and gas
Ji Gao is a director for the China Energy Modeling Forum (CEMF) and the Oil and Gas program. His research interests include integrated models of development and scenario analysis using the Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM) and the Integrated Policy Model for China (IPAC). He has keen interests in integrated assessment models, establishing linkages and analyzing interactions among energy, agriculture, land use, water, and economic models.
Ji received his Ph.D. degree in physical geography at the Capital Normal University and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and he got his M.S. degree from Shanxi Agriculture University.
- Cui, Qi & Yu, Liu & Ali, Tariq & Gao, Ji & Chen, Hao. (2020). Economic and climate impacts of reducing China’s renewable electricity curtailment: A comparison between CGE models with alternative nesting structures of electricity. Energy Economics. 104892. DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2020.104892.
- Ji Gao, Shu Kee Lam, Yuyu Zhou, Kejun Jiang, Leon E. Clarke et al., The potential of agricultural and forestry residues for energy— an integrated assessment framework in China. GCB bioenergy. DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12305
- Gao, Ji; Han, Xue; Lin, Erda; Hao, Xingyu et al. 2015. Leaf Photosynthesis and Yield Components of Mung Bean under Fully Open-air Elevated [CO2]. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2015, 14(5): 60345-7