Our climate experts

  • Ioannou, Michael
    Senior Analyst, Community Engagement

    Areas of expertise: Research and analysis, community engagement and local climate solutions

  • Jaeger, Marika
    Lokey Fellow, Climate Smart Agriculture

    Areas of expertise: Climate adaptation and resilience, social-ecological systems, sustainable agriculture

  • Jermyn, Cole
    Attorney, Energy Transition

    Areas of expertise: Energy and transportation

  • Johnson, Lauren
    Senior Analyst, Equity and Climate Justice

    Areas of expertise: Net zero, environmental and climate justice, qualitative and critical research methods, qualitative data analysis, geospatial analysis, strategic visioning/planning, curriculum design, environmental health, climate and health

  • Jones, Stephanie
    Senior Attorney, Climate Risk

    Areas of expertise: Climate risk and resilience, litigation, regulation, policy analysis

  • Kelly, David
    State Director, North Carolina

    Areas of expertise: Clean energy, energy efficiency, environmental markets, agricultural sustainability, shale gas development and production, and public policy

  • Kelly, Ted
    Director and Lead Counsel, U.S. Clean Energy

    Areas of expertise: Utility regulation, clean energy policy, wholesale gas and electric markets

  • Kerr, Suzi
    Senior Vice President, Chief Economist

    Areas of expertise: Emissions pricing, Climate change policy, Land use, International climate cooperation and collaborative policy research processes

  • Kiely, Pam
    Associate Vice President, U.S. Region

    Areas of expertise: U.S. climate and energy policy, carbon markets, legislative and regulatory strategy, subnational policy

  • Kleisner, Kristin
    Associate Vice President, Oceans Science

    Areas of expertise: Climate change and fisheries, bio-economic modeling, indicators of ocean health and fisheries status

  • Kodis, Maliʻo
    Manager, Partnerships, Climate Corps

    Areas of expertise: Developing emerging climate leaders, building corporate, public, and non-profit partnerships, corporate sustainability, strategic climate change mitigation and adaptation

  • Kousky, Carolyn
    Associate Vice President, Economics and Policy Analysis

    Areas of expertise: Climate risk management, disaster insurance, household and community resilience, climate adaptation, disaster policy, environmental economics

  • Lackner, Maureen
    Senior Manager, Economics & Policy Analysis

    Areas of expertise: Climate and energy policy, environmental policy instruments, Methane emissions from the oil and gas sector, data analysis

  • LaMair, Edwin
    Attorney, U.S. Legal & Regulatory

    Areas of expertise: Oil & gas regulations, U.S. climate policy, and the Clean Air Act

  • Lavallee, Jocelyn
    Agricultural Soil Carbon Scientist

    Areas of expertise: soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics, carbon sequestration, natural climate solutions

  • Leyden, Colin
    State Director, Texas

    Areas of expertise: Oil and gas, energy policy, ground-level ozone and air quality

  • Li, Hugh
    Canadian Methane Scientist

    Areas of expertise: Climate and energy

  • Lieberknecht, Elizabeth
    Manager, Regulatory and Legislative, Midcontinent

    Areas of expertise: State and federal oil and gas policy, environmental policy and enforcement

  • Liu, Hongming
    Director, Carbon Market

    Areas of expertise: Carbon pricing (both compliance and voluntary carbon market, especially Chinese carbon markets and offsetting program), industry decarbonization (including international aviation and shipping green development) and international climate policy

  • Lo, Fiona
    Climate Scientist

    Areas of expertise: Climate change, pollen, machine learning, atmospheric dynamics, climate modeling and hydrology