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  • Marsh-Robinson, Marilynn
    Director, Partnership & Outreach, Vehicles & Freight

    Areas of expertise: Energy efficiency, environmental justice, diverse allies and constituencies

  • Martin, Elyse
    Manager, Persuasion Research and Campaigns

    Areas of expertise: Misinformation, Disinformation

  • Martin, Phillip
    Manager, Zero-emission Truck Initiative in Texas

    Areas of expertise: Electric vehicles and charging, Texas regulatory and legislative affairs

  • Martins Barata, Pedro
    Associate Vice President, Carbon Markets and Private Sector Decarbonization

    Areas of expertise: Carbon Markets (voluntary and compliance), carbon credit quality, private sector decarbonization, net zero strategies

  • Mathers, Jason
    Associate Vice President, Zero-Emission Truck Initiative

    Areas of expertise: Freight electrification, fleet vehicles, green supply chain

  • McCall-Landry, Dylan
    Senior Director, Sustainable Finance

    Areas of expertise: Carbon markets and jurisdictional REDD+ program development, private sector engagement, emerging markets, financial analysis

  • McCormick, Lindsay
    Senior Program Manager, Safer Chemicals

    Areas of expertise: Environmental health, chemical safety, children’s health

  • McDow, Will
    Associate Vice President, Climate Resilient Coasts and Watersheds

    Areas of expertise: environmental markets, mitigation policy, working lands conservation

  • McLaughlin, David
    Senior Economist

    Areas of expertise: Agricultural and Resource Economics, Environmental Economics, Public Economics, Econometrics, Causal Inference, Data Science

  • McLellan, Eileen
    Lead Senior Scientist

    Areas of expertise: Water quality, watershed protection and restoration, ecological resilience, land use planning, rural development, environmental policy

  • McVay, Renee
    Scientist, U.S. Methane

    Areas of expertise: Oil and gas methane emissions, air quality

  • Miller, Valerie
    Director, Cuba Fisheries & Oceans

    Areas of expertise: Shark Conservation, Latin America & the Caribbean, Cooperative Resource Management

  • Mimikakis, John
    Vice President, Asia-Pacific Fisheries & Oceans

    Areas of expertise: Oceans Programs, catch shares

  • Mohlin, Kristina
    Senior Director & Distinguished Economist, Policy Analysis

    Areas of expertise: Climate and energy policy, environmental policy instruments, gas transportation markets, wholesale electricity market design, electricity tariff design

  • Monast, Maggie
    Senior Director, Climate-Smart Agriculture

    Areas of expertise: Environmental economics and policy, agricultural finance and sustainability, agricultural supply chains

  • Moran, Kevin
    Associate Vice President, Regional Affairs

    Areas of expertise: Public policy, water law and management, coalitions, ballot campaigns and organizational leadership

  • Moroge, Mark
    Vice President, Forests

    Areas of expertise: Climate change mitigation and adaptation; forest conservation, environmental policy, environmental markets, sustainable development, sustainability standards, corporate partnerships, coalition building.

  • Mundol, Hisham
    Chief Advisor, India

    Areas of expertise: Climate strategy, innovation, Indian pathway to shared and sustainable prosperity

  • Murphy, Erin
    Director & Sr. Attorney, Clean Air & Energy Markets

    Areas of expertise: Natural gas and electricity market design, natural gas policy, utility regulation

  • Murray, Tom
    Executive Vice President, Solutions

    Areas of expertise: Forging unexpected partnerships that catalyze environmental leadership and collaboration across industries, organizations and supply chains