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  • Godo-Solo, Dakoury
    Project Manager, Electric Vehicle Charging Systems

    Areas of expertise: Transportation electrification, charging infrastructure and resilience.

  • Gold, Adam
    Manager, Coasts and Watersheds Science

    Areas of expertise: Hydrology, water quality, coastal resilience, stormwater management, and natural infrastructure

  • Goldstein, Jon
    Associate Vice President, Energy Transition

    Areas of expertise: State and federal oil and gas policy, climate policy, federal lands

  • González Whitaker, Isabel
    Associate Vice President for Public Engagement, Moms Clean Air Force

    Areas of expertise: Climate, air pollution, children’s health, environmental justice, public health, soot, ozone, advanced recycling, petrochemicals, methane, mercury, toxics, electric school buses, clean transportation

  • Gordon, Doria
    Senior Director, Lead Senior Scientist

    Areas of expertise: Natural climate solutions, invasive species risk assessment, biodiversity conservation, fire ecology, restoration ecology

  • Gourevitch, Jesse
    High Meadows Post-Doctoral Economics Fellow

    Areas of expertise: Climate adaptation, ecosystem services, environmental economics, environmental justice, flood risk management and housing markets

  • Grimes, Courtney
    Atmospheric Scientist

    Areas of expertise: Atmospheric chemistry, air quality monitoring, aerosols, emissions, community engagement.

  • Groosman, Britt
    Senior Vice President, Agriculture, Water and Food

    Areas of expertise: Economics and environmental markets, agriculture, conservation, global climate policy and carbon markets

  • Grossman, Dan
    Associate Vice President, Global Energy Transition

    Areas of expertise: Methane emissions from the oil and gas sector; transition away from fossil fuel, regulatory and legislative policy advocacy

  • Gu, Nini
    Regulatory & Legislative Manager, West Region

    Areas of expertise: Air quality, oil and gas Emissions, and methane monitoring

  • Haggag, Noha
    Senior Attorney, Clean Power

    Areas of expertise:

  • Haider, Maaz
    Manager, Electric Truck Transition

    Areas of expertise: Freight electrification, fleet vehicles, green supply chain, corporate partnerships, business and the environment

  • Halim, Abdul
    Country Director

    Areas of expertise: Small-scale fisheries and marine conservation co-management, Fisheries and Marine Protected Area policy development, Fishery certification, Coastal and marine projects management

  • Hall, Maurice
    Senior Advisor, Climate Resilient Water Systems

    Areas of expertise: Water management, water policy, hydrology, water resources engineering, aquatic ecosystems, sustainable agriculture, irrigated agriculture, water quality, natural infrastructure, civil engineering

  • Hamburg, Steven
    Senior Vice President, Chief Scientist

    Areas of expertise: Climate change, Methane emissions, Systems ecology, Biogeochemistry, Climate change impacts, Forest ecology, Soils, C cycle

  • Harahap, Khazali
    Senior Manager – Lampung & West Java Fisheries Program and Policy

    Areas of expertise: Small-scale fisheries and marine conservation co-management, fisheries policy

  • Harris, Maria
    Senior Scientist

    Areas of expertise: Air quality, environmental epidemiology, exposure assessment, children's health, neurodevelopment

  • Harrison, Nicki
    Director, Sustainable Finance

    Areas of expertise: Sustainable finance, financial policy and regulation

  • Harrison, Pete
    Executive Vice President, Regions

    Areas of expertise: Climate change, energy transition, mobility transition and marine ecology.

  • Haukebo, Sepp
    Senior Manager, Global Fisheries Initiatives

    Areas of expertise: Fisheries management, marine science policy, marine conservation, environmental education