Media briefing on upcoming preliminary court opinion on U.S. airlines' attack on European climate law
Jennifer Andreassen, +1-202-572-3387, (Environmental Defense Fund)
John McManus, +1-510-550-6707, (Earthjustice)
Keith Allott, +44 (0) 1483 412 532, (WWF-UK)
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
10 a.m. Washington (EDT) | 3 p.m. London (BST) | 7 a.m. Sacramento (PDT)
A preliminary opinion from an Advocate General of the European Court of Justice will be issued Thursday, Oct. 6 on a suit brought by two airlines and their trade association to block a law that holds airlines accountable for their global warming pollution resulting from flights using airports in the European Union.
In a media briefing Tuesday (4 Oct.), members of a transatlantic coalition of environmental groups who have intervened in support of the EU law will discuss the background and substance of the case, the European court’s process, and the relevant EU policy-making process.
- Annie Petsonk, International Counsel, Environmental Defense Fund
- Sarah Burt, Staff Attorney, Earthjustice
- Pamela Campos, Attorney, Environmental Defense Fund
- Keith Allott, Head of Climate Change, WWF-UK
WHERE - Dial-in
Within U.S.: 800-681-6311
International callers: +1-303-223-2681
A recording of conference will be available, please contact Jennifer Andreassen for more information.
Europe’s highest court is currently deliberating over a suit brought by United/Continental and American Airlines to block a law that holds airlines accountable for their global warming pollution resulting from flights to, from and within the European Union. The law was enacted in 2009, and the limits on airlines’ emissions take effect Jan. 1, 2012.
On Thursday, Oct. 6, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) will release the preliminary opinion in the case. This recommendation, prepared by a senior legal advisor appointed to the ECJ, makes a formal recommendation to the Court regarding resolution of the case. The judges begin their deliberation upon release of the Advocate General opinion. The final decision rests entirely in the hands of the 13 members of the Grand Chamber who heard oral argument on July 5, 2011. The European Court of Justice is Europe’s highest court for matters of European Union law The full court’s ruling is anticipated in early 2012.
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