Today’s announcement from General Motors that it will support the California Framework and national clean car standards that accelerate the pathway to zero-emitting vehicles is very welcome news. GM is again showing its leadership as the nation transitions to cleaner cars, freight trucks and buses.

“On his first day in office, President Biden issued an executive order that began the process of modernizing the American auto industry, making our air cleaner, and cutting climate pollution from its largest source. Today’s action by GM demonstrates that companies seeking to prosper in the new global marketplace of zero-emitting vehicles — and take responsible action on climate change — will rise to the President’s challenge.

“If we’re going to reduce pollution and compete with Europe and China, we’ll need bold action from both the public and private sectors. That means moving to zero-emission new cars by 2035 and zero-emission new trucks and buses by 2040. That will require rigorous emission standards that eliminate harmful climate and air pollution, and investments that ensure these clean zero-emitting vehicles are built by American workers.

“Together, the government and the auto industry can act to create jobs, reduce pollution in our communities, and save families money at the gas pump. GM’s announcement today is a signal that progress towards that cleaner future is becoming unstoppable.”

- Fred Krupp, president of Environmental Defense Fund

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Keith Gaby