Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Brian Schatz (D-HI) introduced the Save Our Future Act today, which would assess a fee on carbon dioxide and criteria air pollutants, cutting harmful pollution throughout the economy and delivering investments that will strengthen the health, resilience, and economic well-being of communities across the country.

The bill would give a significant portion of the fee revenue to the American people, especially lower- and middle-income households, via an income-based rebate program. The revenue would also provide much-needed support both for the communities facing the worst climate and air pollution impacts, which tend to be low-income communities and communities of color, and communities and workers impacted by the transition to a clean economy.

The fee would rise, if necessary, to ensure emission reduction goals are met. The bill also aims to help address harmful air pollutants from major sources in or near communities that are facing disproportionate pollution burdens.

“The Save Our Future Act would help us cut harmful climate and other air pollution, provide critical support to families and communities, and create good quality jobs.

“We look forward to helping advance this bill in partnership with the sponsors and other allies, particularly environmental justice advocates and community leaders who are closest to the problems and best equipped to lead in designing the solutions.

“We thank Senators Whitehouse and Schatz for their steadfast climate leadership, especially at this critical moment.”

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Media Contact

Ben Schneider
(202) 572-3279