(WASHINGTON, DC) With a bipartisan vote of 86-11, the Senate today passed its version of the farm bill.

“This bipartisan bill delivers big wins for rural economies and conservation. It embraces on-farm innovations that improve water quality and build climate resilience. From funding soil health pilot projects to advancing data-driven precision agriculture, the Senate farm bill will incentivize the ambitious conservation approaches that the 21st century demands.

“It also addresses long-standing farmer feedback about ways to improve conservation programs – most notably by streamlining public-private partnerships, accelerating USDA’s approval process for new stewardship practices and rewarding conservation through lower crop insurance premiums.

“Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) and ranking member Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) led a remarkably bipartisan farm bill process, and the Senate bill is stronger as a result. We hope that the conference committee process reflects this same willingness to collaborate across the aisle for the benefit of America’s farmers, ranchers and natural resources.”

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Hilary Kirwan
(202) 572-3277