(SACRAMENTO – October 10, 2017) Two California Energy Commission leaders made an unexpected statement last week, recommending the state reject the proposed Puente Power Project. The proposed 262 megawatt gas-fired power plant was set to replace two existing plants in Oxnard, California – a project environmental justice advocates, local residents, and the City of Oxnard have been fighting for the past three years due to environmental hazards. A study by California’s grid operator in August found the proposed gas plant could feasibly be replaced by renewable sources like solar power, demand response, and energy storage.     

“By questioning the necessity of the Puente plant and pointing to cleaner alternatives, Commissioners Douglas and Scott are ushering in a monumental shift in California energy policy. Rejecting Puente would give families cleaner energy choices and signal a new approach to energy siting in disadvantaged communities, where people are often especially vulnerable to pollution’s effects. We urge the full Energy Commission to grant the people of Oxnard the healthy energy future they deserve.”

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Chloe Looker
(415) 293-6122