Katharine Burnham, 202-415-5742,
Michael Bean, 202-423-9119,
(March 3, 2009-Washington, DC) “Today’s action by the president to restore scientific oversight of federal agencies in order to protect endangered wildlife is another example of President Obama righting environmental wrongs created by his predecessor. It is also another indication that science is once again respected within the White House.
“The President’s decision fits squarely within his authority to direct federal agencies to consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service (NFMS) on all projects that may affect endangered species, a practice customary in previous administrations. With this action Mr. Obama has restored the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and NMFS to their rightful authority as scientific advisers to federal agencies and has signaled that the Endangered Species Act, like many of the plants and animals it protects, is on its way to recovery.”

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