Today President Trump announced CIA Director Mike Pompeo will be nominated to replace Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. 

“Despite our many disagreements with Secretary Tillerson he was, at least, one of the few cabinet secretaries who recognized the science of climate change and reportedly advocated for remaining in the Paris Agreement. This put him at odds with President Trump and his administration’s policies on the environment. 

“Mike Pompeo has repeatedly professed his ignorance on whether the world is warming, and we should take him at his word. His environmental views will fit perfectly with EPA’s Scott Pruitt and his polluter lobbyist friends. But when it comes to working with global allies who are focused on creating good jobs for their clean technology sectors, Mr. Pompeo’s climate views will needlessly leave America on the sidelines.

“As our intelligence community has concluded, climate change is a serious threat to our national security. Ignoring it leaves our economy, security, and children at great risk. Our leadership on the world stage should reflect the views not only of our intelligence community, but that of the thousands of American mayors, governors, CEOs, civil society leaders, and millions of citizens who have expressed their commitment to ambitious climate action.”


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Jennifer Andreassen