Today, the American Petroleum Institute (API), an industry trade group, asked the Bureau of Land Management to postpone compliance dates for oil and gas companies to limit flaring, venting, and equipment leaks on public and tribal lands.

“Having lost in federal district court in Wyoming, and again last week in Congress, industry is wasting no time trying to find an alternative path to avoid implementing basic, long-overdue measures to reduce waste and protect public health. Americans strongly support these protections, and the rules as adopted already provide ample opportunities for the Secretary to grant flexibility to those wells and operators truly in need of it.

“Any changes to BLM’s safeguards to reduce waste must be made available to the public for comment before they are finalized, and must be based on sound evidence. BLM’s waste standards reflect proven, cost-effective best practices that are already being implemented by some leading companies and major energy-producing states, and are supported by a vast record reflecting years of public outreach and agency deliberation. We believe that there would be no valid basis for delaying these vital protections, and will defend vigorously against any effort to prevent them from being implemented.”

  • Mark Brownstein, Vice President, U.S. Climate and Energy, Environmental Defense Fund

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Stacy MacDiarmid
(512) 691-3439