The New York Department of Environmental Conservation today proposed the Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) rule, which requires manufacturers to invest in and produce medium- and heavy-duty zero-emission trucks. This proposal sets sales targets starting in Model Year 2025, and aims to get the state closer to its goal of 100% of medium- and heavy-duty trucks on the road be zero-emission by 2045.

“Trucks are dirtier than passenger vehicles and are responsible for an excessive amount of air pollution — relative to their population – that causes asthma and premature deaths in New York’s communities.”

“The Advanced Clean Trucks rule is a key element to scaling up the zero-emission truck market with available and affordable vehicles to reduce harmful transportation emissions.”

“Lawmakers should move to adopt the Advanced Clean Trucks Rule, which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollution, address equity, improve public health and spark economic growth”

  • Mary Barber, Director, Regulatory and Legislative Affairs
New York’s ACT proposal is also part of New York’s existing Low Emission Vehicle program. A public hearing on the ACT is scheduled for November 9, 2021 at 2:00pm. Comments on the proposal are due by November 17.

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Debora Schneider
(212) 616-1377