TRENTON, NJ –  Today, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) adopted the Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) rule, moving forward a regulatory path for electrifying everything from delivery vans to tractor trailers in the state. New Jersey is one of several states to move forward with adoption of California’s ACT rule this year. Oregon and Washington recently adopted the ACT rule; together, the states that have adopted or are considering the rule make up more than 20 percent of the national fleet of medium- and heavy-duty trucks. 

The ACT rule requires manufacturers to sell and deliver pollution-free zero-emission trucks to New Jersey beginning in 2025 and requires 40-75 percent new zero-emission truck sales by 2035.

A diverse coalition of environmental, business, public health, and environmental justice advocates has urged the Murphy administration to adopt the ACT rule. Although the rule will help deliver zero-emission trucks to New Jersey and slash dirty diesel emissions, environmental justice advocates believe that it does not do enough to guarantee emissions reductions in environmental justice communities. As New Jersey moves forward with other clean truck policies, like the Heavy-Duty Omnibus Rule, the State needs to make sure that there are regulations that target emissions reductions in communities that are already overburdened by pollution.

Studies have shown that by adopting clean trucks rules, New Jersey could save hundreds of lives, avoid thousands of additional respiratory illnesses, and reduce millions of metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions and NOx and PM emissions.


"We are glad that the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Governor Murphy are moving forward with the ACT rule. This is a step towards moving New Jersey away from dirty diesel trucks and building healthier and safer communities across the state. This rule will significantly reduce emissions from the transportation sector, which contributes 41% of the overall greenhouse gas emissions in New Jersey," said Anjuli Ramos-Busot, Sierra Club's New Jersey Chapter Director. "In addition, this rule will also reduce air pollutants like NOx and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) emissions. This will go a long way to protect the health and wellbeing of our communities.”

“Gov. Murphy and the Department of Environmental Protection have demonstrated their bold commitment to climate leadership during this rulemaking process. As a result, this rule will deliver cleaner air, powerful opportunities to improve equity and spark economic growth in New Jersey,” said Mary Barber, Director, State Affairs at Environmental Defense Fund. “Now we need policymakers, utilities and the private sector working together to build out the charging infrastructure necessary to fuel these zero-emission trucks, which will ensure they are on our roads as soon as possible.”

“With today’s decision, New Jersey is leading the way to a more sustainable transportation system. While there is much more work to be done to reduce emissions in frontline communities, adopting the ACT rule is a good first step,” said Jennifer Helfrich, senior manager, state policy, Ceres. “Major companies support this rule to increase the availability of clean vehicles for their supply chains. Many are already taking steps to turnover their fleets, but they need leading states to adopt strong policies to get this technology on the road at the scale and scope necessary to take on the climate crisis. We hope today’s decision will drive adoption in additional states so that communities across the country can reap the major climate, public health, and business benefits of this technology.” 

“Sometimes the most difficult decision is acknowledging that a grave mistake has been made, and then embarking on unraveling the repercussions of that wrongdoing. In the context of the environment, many have made mistakes when it comes to the health, equity, and quality of life of our black, brown, and poor communities,” said Marcus Sibley, environmental and climate justice chairman at the New Jersey State Conference NAACP. “There are no perfect or quick fixes to the realities resulting from centuries of racist policies and practices, but we must take bold steps towards a better future for all. The adoption of the ACT rule is one such step, and we thank Governor Murphy and the NJDEP because clean air truly is a right.”

"The Advanced Clean Truck rule is a major step forward for our climate and the health of our communities, as it electrifies the dirtiest vehicles on New Jersey roads," said Hayley Berliner, Clean Energy Advocate with Environment New Jersey. "If we want to reach our ambitious climate goals, we must electrify everything on wheels in New Jersey and the Advanced Clean Truck rule is a critical way to do just that. We want to thank Governor Murphy, the NJDEP, and the entire administration for making New Jersey the East Coast leader for truck electrification."

“As more states act to adopt the ACT rule, it will create a tidal wave of demand for zero emission technologies and innovation - bringing more options and driving down costs. We know switching to all electric powered trucking and goods movement will not happen overnight; but it is an essential element to protecting public health, addressing the climate crisis, and creating family sustaining green jobs regardless of the zip code you live in,”  said Amy Goldsmith, 

NJ State Director, Clean Water Action.

"By adopting the Advanced Clean Trucks rule, New Jersey has demonstrated its strong commitment to a clean energy future by significantly decarbonizing its transportation sector," said Jaqi Cohen, Director of Climate and Equity Policy at Tri-State Transportation Campaign. "Transportation currently accounts for the largest percentage of New Jersey's overall greenhouse gas emissions, in large part due to its heavy reliance on diesel fueled vehicles. By advancing the ACT, New Jersey will significantly reduce the transportation sector's reliance on dirty fossil fuels, and will act as a leader on climate change and lead the way for the rest of the nation. The adoption of the ACT is a win for our communities, our public health, and the future of our transportation sector, and we applaud Governor Murphy and the NJDEP on their decision." 


About the Sierra Club: The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit

Environmental Defense Fund (, a leading international nonprofit organization, creates transformational solutions to the most serious environmental problems. EDF links science, economics, law, and innovative private-sector partnerships. With offices in the United States, China, Mexico, United Kingdom and Indonesia, EDF’s 750 scientists, economists, attorneys – and our partners and allies – work in 26 countries to turn our solutions into action. Connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, and our Energy Program blog

Ceres is a nonprofit organization working with the most influential capital market leaders to solve the world’s greatest sustainability challenges. Through our powerful networks and global collaborations of investors, companies and nonprofits, we drive action and inspire equitable market-based and policy solutions throughout the economy to build a just and sustainable future. For more information, visit and follow @CeresNews.

About the NAACP: Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation’s oldest and largest nonpartisan civil rights organization. Its members throughout the United States and the world are the premier advocates for civil rights in their communities. You can learn more about The New Jersey State Conference NAACP, the numerous local units throughout the state, the advocacy efforts, and the annual convention at

Environment New Jersey Research & Policy Center is dedicated to protecting our air, water and open spaces. We work to protect the places we love, advance the environmental values we share, and win real results for our environment. For more information, visit 

About Clean Water Action: Since our founding during the campaign to pass the landmark Clean Water Act in 1972, Clean Water Action has worked to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking and people power to the table.

With more than 3 million members, Environmental Defense Fund creates transformational solutions to the most serious environmental problems. To do so, EDF links science, economics, law, and innovative private-sector partnerships to turn solutions into action.

Media Contact

Debora Schneider
(212) 616-1377