(BOSTON – November 10, 2014) The National Marine Fisheries Service announced an emergency measure today that will prohibit cod fishing in a large portion of the Gulf of Maine starting November 13, 2014 through May 12, 2015. The action was taken in response to an updated assessment of the cod population’s health that shows continued declines. 

Statement from Matt Mullin, northeast regional director, Oceans, Environmental Defense Fund:

“It is clear that Gulf of Maine cod are in crisis and moving towards collapse. Only bold and immediate action can give hope to this fishery, and all who depend on its long-term health. The alternative – a collapse in the fishery like we saw in Newfoundland – is not acceptable for the industry, or for the environment. No one wants to see fishermen put out of business.

“EDF supports the emergency measures implementing time and area closures for all commercial and recreational boats in the Gulf of Maine. But closures alone are not enough. While we acknowledge that trip limits are intended as a short-term fix only, they will not work and put fishermen in an impossible situation. Today we are calling for a significant change to address a fundamental flaw in New England fisheries management: we must act immediately to secure 100 percent monitoring of groundfish fishing boats and bring New England groundfish management into line with national best practice.

“Right now, New England has only 20 percent of fishing boats monitored. That has proved to be a management failure, leaving us unsure what is being caught, and what is being thrown back into the sea.  Full monitoring of this fishery won’t be without budgetary and administrative challenges. But this fishery and this moment are too important not to rise to this urgent challenge. The time for tinkering at the edges is over.”

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Matt Smelser
(202) 572-3272