Today a “sense of Congress” resolution was introduced calling on President Trump to fire EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. The resolution, introduced by Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) and Representative Kathy Castor (D-Fla.), comes on the heels of numerous ethical scandals that have consumed Pruitt’s tenure. It is the first time since 1981 that this many in Congress have called for an EPA to be removed.  
“Today’s resolution adds an exclamation point to the overwhelming chorus of Americans who recognize that Scott Pruitt is unfit to lead the Environmental Protection Agency. Pruitt presents a real danger to the health and well-being of American families, and he has routinely shown contempt for the rule of law, ethical behavior, and taxpayers. 
Pruitt’s behavior has come to define the swamp that President Trump vowed to drain. He sees nothing wrong with accepting benefits from the family of an energy lobbyist, spending lavishly on travel at taxpayer expense, and giving preferential treatment to friends and industry insiders. He has no place at the head of a government agency dedicated to protecting people and our environment, or any agency.  
President Trump should heed the calls of both Republican and Democratic officials who believe Pruitt is not fit to hold this public trust.”

—Jeremy Symons, VP Political Affairs, Environmental Defense Fund

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Keith Gaby
(202) 572-3336