
Gerald Karnas, Florida Climate Project Director, Environmental Defense Fund: O: (941) 309-5399 C: (941) 587-1803;


Jay Liles, Policy Consultant, Florida Wildlife Federation: O: (850) 656-7113 C: (850) 294-5004;


Lisa Garcia, Director of Special Projects, Ron Sachs Communications: O: (850) 222-1996 C: (850) 590-7640;


Jennifer Dickson, Media Manager, Environmental Defense Fund: O: (202) 572-3401 C: (202) 520-1221;

(Tampa, FL- May 14, 2008) – Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), the Florida Wildlife Federation (FWF), and Florida business leaders today unveiled an unprecedented advertising campaign showcasing Florida companies and entrepreneurs on the front line of the fight against climate change.


The Faces of Climate Change campaign tells the story of Florida businesses developing the next 
generation technologies that are reducing greenhouse gas emissions and powering job growth as America moves toward a low-carbon economy. TV ads featuring the faces of climate change in Florida run in markets across the state beginning this week (see 


Participants in the ads range from the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce and Mosaic (the world’s largest phosphate company) to St. Joe (the state’s largest land owner) and PetroAlgae, which makes oil from algae in Fellsmere, FL.


The unfolding threat of climate change has launched a worldwide race to a new energy future,” said 
Jerry Karnas, Florida Climate Project Director at Environmental Defense Fund.
has a lot to gain 
when it comes to economic development through green technology. Our state also has a lot to lose if 
global climate change continues unchecked, given our 1200 miles of coastline, low-lying topography, and location in the hurricane belt. Florida’s position as a swing state in national elections makes this a critical battleground for climate change policy.”

“Climate change is one of the most serious threats facing our state, especially our wildlife,” said Jay Liles, Policy Consultant with the Florida Wildlife Federation. “Political candidates understand that. Our Governor recognizes the need to do more to reduce the impacts of global warming. And now we have business leaders who are lending their faces and their success stories to help everyone understand that 
businesses do play a key role in securing a safe environment in the future.”

Congressional action on global warming is expected shortly. In early June, the U.S. Senate is scheduled 
to consider the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act, a cap and trade bill approved by the 
Environment and Public Works Committee last December.

“Technology and innovation will be a large component in the race to slow global warming,” said Karnas. 

“Strong federal legislation will provide businesses with even more incentive to develop clean technologies that meet our energy demands while protecting the environment.”




Mention of products and companies does not constitute an endorsement by Environmental Defense Fund or Florida Wildlife Federation.


About Environmental Defense Fund

A leading national nonprofit organization, Environmental Defense Fund represents more than 500,000 members. Since 1967, Environmental Defense Fund has linked science, economics, law and innovative private-sector partnerships to create breakthrough solutions to the most serious environmental problems. For more information, visit


The Florida Wildlife Federation is a statewide, non-profit conservation and education organization composed of thousands of concerned Florida residents from all walks of life who share a common interest in preserving, managing, and improving Florida’s wildlife, water, and natural places.  For more information go to

One of the world’s leading international nonprofit organizations, Environmental Defense Fund ( creates transformational solutions to the most serious environmental problems. To do so, EDF links science, economics, law, and innovative private-sector partnerships. With more than 3 million members and offices in the United States, China, Mexico, Indonesia and the European Union, EDF’s scientists, economists, attorneys and policy experts are working in 28 countries to turn our solutions into action. Connect with us on Twitter @EnvDefenseFund