Federal Court Rules in Favor of Environmental Assessment for Congestion Pricing Program in New York City

June 20, 2024
Sharyn Stein, 202-905-5718, sstein@edf.org

“The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York today rejected legal attacks on New York’s vital Congestion Pricing program, holding the environmental assessment was legally sound and contained important mitigation measures. 

“This rigorous judicial review of the environmental assessment is another important step toward ensuring millions of people across the New York region have the benefits of clean air, a modern transit system, a safer climate, and the reduction in congestion that Congestion Pricing will provide.”

            - Vickie Patton, General Counsel for Environmental Defense Fund

Environmental Defense Fund, New York League of Conservation Voters, Tri-State Transportation Campaign, Riders Alliance, Real Estate Board of New York, New York Lawyers for the Public Interest, WE ACT for Environmental Justice, StreetsPAC, and Transportation Alternatives jointly submitted an amicus brief in this case supporting the adequacy of the environmental assessment. 

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