Today the New York City Council is holding hearings on a set of bills that will help clean up New York City’s air by curbing pollution from city owned vehicles. 

The following statements may be attributed to Andy Darrell, Living Cities program director at Environmental Defense.

“The transportation sector is responsible for over 80% of the air cancer risk in New York City, so cleaning up cars, trucks and other diesel engines is critical for our health. ”

“If enacted, the bills before the City Council would represent the most comprehensive commitment New York City has yet made to bring clean car and truck technology to our streets.  The City’s commitment would set a precedent for the country and help drive the market for clean vehicles.”

“Cost effective technology exists to cut tailpipe pollution from school buses, trucks and buses up to 90%.  New York’s fleet purchasing laws are fifteen years old and are missing the opportunity to take advantage of this pollution reduction.  These bills will bring New York City’s law into line with the cleanest technologies on the market today.”

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