Legislative leaders have announced appointments to the NC Commission on Global Climate Change.  The following statement can be attributed to Michael Shore, senior air policy analyst at Environmental Defense, who will serve on the commission.  Michael can be reached for additional comment or background at 828-582-3141.

“North Carolina’s future is inextricably linked to global warming, but there are economic opportunities ahead if we roll up our sleeves and get to work now.  Reducing global warming pollution can generate billions of dollars of economic activity for North Carolina.

“Legislators should be commended for designing a bipartisan and diverse commission that can lead North Carolina toward a prominent role in curbing global warming.”

Legislative leaders have appointed members to the Commission on Global Climate Change.  Established by the NC Global Warming Act passed by the General Assembly last summer, the 34-member commission is charged with debating and proposing a pollution reduction goal and making other recommendations regarding impacts and economic opportunities related to global warming.  The Commission will issue its findings in November 2006.  By law, there are 16 seats named in the legislation, and the leadership of both chambers each appoint an additional nine members.

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