Environmental Defense today praised Senate leaders for passing a budget amendment to increase farm conservation programs by $1.3 billion. The amendment was sponsored by senators Gordon Smith (R-OR), Tom Harkin (D-IA), Patrick Leahy (D-VT), and Olympia Snowe (R-ME). These funds, along with another increase of $350 million for water quality programs agreed to early in the week, combine for a total increase of $1.65 billion, almost a doubling of this type of conservation spending.

“If Congress keeps these funds in its final budget, this increase could translate into hundreds of thousands of acres of restored wetlands, greater habitat for endangered species, and some real improvements in water quality,” said Environmental Defense senior attorney Tim Searchinger. “Senators Smith, Harkin, Leahy and Snowe deserve great credit.”

“This commitment is a step toward reform of federal farm programs that recognizes farmers can provide not only food and fiber, but clean water and wildlife habitat, and a barrier against urban sprawl,” said Searchinger.

This conservation funding increase is not included in the budget adopted earlier by the House of Representatives. “It will be critical for the senators to keep the pressure on to keep these funds in a final budget,” said Searchinger.

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