Contact: Scott Anderson, 512.691.3410-w or 512.565.3528-c
Media Contact: Chris Smith, 512.691.3451-w or 512.659.9264-c or
(Austin – May 23, 2008) Environmental Defense Fund filed a statement today supporting a wind-power development plan providing nearly 25,000 megawatts (MW) of clean power for Texas, enough to power several million households.
The statement urges the Public Utility Commission to embrace “Competitive Renewable Energy Zone (CREZ) Scenario 3” presented by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), so that transmission capacity serving previously identified areas of high wind capacity (CREZ zones) may be expanded by 17,956 MW. When combined with ERCOT’s already forecasted wind generation figure of 6,903 MW, the plan would enable construction of nearly 25,000 MW of wind power, more than the rest of the United States combined.
“Texans should favor proposals providing the most power possible from tapping into wind, an abundant, clean and renewable energy source,” said Scott Anderson, senior policy analyst with Environmental Defense Fund. “Scenario 3, by enabling Texas businesses to build up to 24,859 MW of wind capacity, will displace more high-priced power than any of the other scenarios – particularly power from coal.
“Wind power produces no carbon dioxide emissions or other greenhouse gases, no NOx, no SOx, and no particulate matter,” Anderson said. “The more wind power Texas develops, the healthier will be the air we breathe and the less Texas will contribute to the problem of global climate change.”
Opponents argue that the higher wind generation capacity, the higher the associated costs that will eventually be transferred to consumers. In reality, wind power has zero fuel cost and will displace expensive natural gas and coal and result in lower market energy prices. The difference in price is enough to offset the costs of building transmission lines within a handful of years.

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