Contact: Diane Slaine-Siegel 212-616-1267 /917-853-5664

(New York, New York – August 14, 2007) “Today, Governor Spitzer, Majority Leader Bruno, Speaker Silver and the State Assembly and Senate have taken another critical step toward reducing traffic and cleaning the air for millions of New Yorkers,” said Andy Darrell, director Living Cities program, Environmental Defense. “During the next eight months when a final plan must be approved by the United States Department of Transportation, we are committed to working hard with the 17 member commission to regularly answer questions in person and provide information as it debates ways to address these problems.   We want them to be able to make a determination on a final traffic relief pilot program that will enable the city to move ahead with the goals that are important to all New Yorkers- clean air and better transit. Congestion pricing is a bold and necessary solution to local and global problems. We need to create a future without smog and gridlock and raise the bar for the rest of America.”

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