“Meeting the challenge of climate change requires rapidly building a clean energy economy – installing wind, solar, and a modernized grid at speed and scale. That means we need a process for approving projects that is inclusive and efficient. We applaud the White House for its vision for modernizing the path for clean energy and transmission, and the remarks made by presidential advisor John Podesta on modernizing approval of needed projects.

“Early engagement with communities is not only critical to public health, but necessary for faster progress towards a just transition to clean energy. Listening and acting on local needs must be a top priority in any modernization. Permitting policies must also preserve rigorous environmental protections and avoid encouraging the large-scale build-out for infrastructure for polluting sources of energy. This work will require funding to support technical assistance, job creation, and other benefits for states, tribes, and local communities.

“There remain important questions about the potential role of hydrogen fuel and carbon capture and storage. Both could have a role to play in reducing climate pollution but any initiatives aimed at deploying them must provide public health and climate benefits and be underpinned by investments in tools to ensure that communities are protected.”

  • Elizabeth Gore, Senior Vice President, Political Affairs, Environmental Defense Fund

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Cecile Brown
(202) 271-6534