Today EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt announced the Trump administration’s decision to cancel the Clean Power Plan, retreating on America’s commitment to deal with climate change, abdicating our global leadership, and removing our only national limits on carbon pollution from power plants. According to reports, the Administration is offering no replacement plan to reduce this pollution, which is required by law.

“This is a reckless retreat that will hurt our children and grandchildren. The real world results will be more asthma attacks, more health problems, more air pollution, and a more dangerous future for our families,” said Fred Krupp, president of EDF. “President Trump and Administrator Scott Pruitt are putting our economy and our future at risk by ignoring the threat of climate change. Unlimited pollution is bad for America.”

The Clean Power Plan would deliver tremendous benefits to American communities by reducing harmful pollution. For example, EPA estimates the Clean Power Plan will prevent up to 3,600 premature deaths and 90,000 childhood asthma attacks every year once it is fully implemented.

Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria, and Nate – as well as the wildfires across the West — have provided a tragic reminder of the threats we face from climate change. Millions are reeling, with lives lost and communities profoundly disrupted for years to come. Yet the Administration makes no commitment to protect Americans from dangerous climate change.

“President Trump and EPA Administrator Pruitt are using the pain in coal country as a cover for surrendering in the race of our lives. Miners, their families, and their communities need real help, not political grandstanding. Clean energy jobs belong to them, too. We need to make sure all Americans benefit from the new clean energy economy – retreating won’t help anyone.” said Krupp.

With more than 3 million members, Environmental Defense Fund creates transformational solutions to the most serious environmental problems. To do so, EDF links science, economics, law, and innovative private-sector partnerships to turn solutions into action.

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Sharyn Stein