(Austin, TX – Oct.3, 2014) Drilling services company Baker Hughes announced Wednesday that it will publicly disclose all chemicals used for fracking operations. Baker Hughes, a global services provider working with some of the largest oil and gas companies worldwide, reports it is the first to disclose 100 percent of the chemical ingredients it supplies the oil and gas industry for development at hydraulic fracturing sites.

 “We are encouraged by Baker Hughes’ disclosure pledge and applaud their leadership,” said Mark Brownstein, EDF Associate Vice President of US Climate and Energy Program. “We hope it will influence the rest of the oil and gas industry. The public deserves transparency from industries that impact their local communities, and this company’s disclosure of the full list of chemicals used during drilling operations is a very important step in the right direction.”

  • Mark Brownstein, Associate Vice President & Chief Counsel, US Climate and Energy Program

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Lauren Whittenberg
(512) 691-3437