(PHOENIX, AZ) During his State of the State address today, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey called on state leaders to come together to address the state’s ongoing water challenges.

“We agree with Governor Ducey that Arizona needs to speak with one united voice when it comes to securing the state’s water future. The Governor has shown continued leadership on water issues through efforts such as pushing to pass a Drought Contingency Plan and aligning state water policies to benefit all water users. Our water supplies are like a bank account, from which we are withdrawing more than we deposit. If our state doesn’t act responsibly and take action now, future generations could see our rivers run dry. The good news is that Arizonans are up to the challenge. Last year, the state cut river use by almost 360,000 acre-feet through voluntary reductions, and with the Governor’s leadership, we can pass much needed policy to protect the state’s most precious resource.”

  • Kevin Moran, Environmental Defense Fund, Senior Director of Western Water

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Brian Strachan
(415) 293-6139