Displaying 101 - 125 of 167
Blog post
Fish: the missing ingredient in addressing global malnutrition
August 12, 2021 | Kristin Kleisner, Associate Vice President, Oceans ScienceOne of the things I focus on in my role as a climate scientist is understanding the impact of climate change on ocean fish populations as well as better fishery management practices to help ensure the continued delivery of seafood and livelihoods for millions of people around the world. Critically, the world is confronted with …More on:
Press release
Aquaculture Poll Shows Americans Want More Local Seafood and Stronger Environmental and Consumer Protections
August 4, 2021 | Eric Schwaab, Senior Vice President, People and NatureA new poll released by EDF reveals voters are open to consuming more home-grown seafood if it adheres to strong consumer and environmental standards.More on:
Blog post
Can ecotourism increase climate resilience in tropical small-scale fishing communities?
August 2, 2021 | Christopher Cusack, Director, Oceans Technology SolutionsBy Christopher Cusack, Edwina Garchitorena and Rod Fujita Globally, fisheries are of great importance. Yet small-scale fishers and their communities in the tropics are among the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Rebuilding and managing the fish stocks that these communities rely on is critical to ensuring the food security and climate resilience …More on:
Blog post
Deepening scientific understanding and international collaboration to enhance climate resilience
July 29, 2021 | Shems Jud, Director, Japan Fisheries & OceansWith a record drought depleting rivers and reservoirs, wildfires burning across the Western U.S., historic floods in Germany and China, landslides in Japan, and my own notoriously wet and dreary hometown of Portland, Oregon hitting 115 degrees recently, it’s hard to avoid thinking about climate change. But while the terrestrial impacts are wide-ranging and obvious,More on:
Press release
Reps. Huffman, Case Introduce Legislation to Reauthorize Magnuson-Stevens Act
July 26, 2021 | Eric Schwaab, Senior Vice President, People and NatureEDF statement from Eric Schwaab, Senior Vice President, Ecosystems and OceansMore on:
Press release
In the Face of Climate Change, New Policy Approaches Needed for Managing Fisheries
July 15, 2021 | Kendra Karr, Senior Scientist II, Ocean Research & DevelopmentThe ICES Journal of Marine Science states that new approaches and pathways are needed for governments to manage ocean fisheries due to climate change.More on:
Press release
Presence of endangered shark species in Straits of Florida renews calls for collaboration
July 14, 2021 | Valerie Miller, Director, Cuba Fisheries & OceansA new study expands our understanding of a critically endangered species of shark residing off the coast near the U.S. waters of Florida.More on:
Blog post
Engaging Small-Scale Fishers in the U.N. Food Systems Summit
July 7, 2021 | Willow Battista, Senior Manager, Climate Resilient Food SystemsFor nearly a decade, I’ve worked on sustainable fisheries management, traveling to small-scale fishing communities around the world to learn how best to build the capacity of local fishers, scientists and managers to ensure the sustainability of their fisheries. From Mexico to Myanmar, I’ve worked with communities to help them reach their goals so they …More on:
Blog post
Celebrating Fishermen’s Day in Peru: a tribute to traditional sailing on the high seas
July 1, 2021By Nina Pardo and Hector Soldi On June 4, a small but mighty fleet of artisanal sailboats from the fishing communities of Cabo Blanco and El Ñuro in northern Peru unfolded their sails and went out to sea — sailing alongside the Peruvian Navy’s sailing vessel La Unión. This annual regatta is a salute to …More on:
Blog post
Fishing for Resilience: a video series to introduce you to climate-resilient fisheries
June 22, 2021 | Merrick Burden, Director, Resilient Fisheries & Lead Senior EconomistToday, we’re introducing readers to the concept of climate resilience in marine fisheries through a new, three-part video series called “Fishing for Resilience.” As Environmental Defense Fund’s Senior Director for Resilient Fisheries, I played a central role in the creation of this short series — even “starring” in the videos as narrator. Producing and narrating …More on:
Blog post
Finding the ways that work: tech for climate-resilient fisheries
June 18, 2021 | Christopher Cusack, Director, Oceans Technology SolutionsBy Chris Cusack and Melissa Mahoney It doesn’t take too much scrolling these days to see that our oceans — and our entire natural world — are in peril. Overfishing, habitat destruction, plastic pollution and warming temperatures are BIG challenges. And yet, they all have something in common: they can all be improved by sustainable,More on:
Press release
Study: Financing is a Key Barrier to Sustainable Ocean Economy, but Solutions Exist
June 8, 2021 | Amanda Leland, Executive DirectorA study finds that public and private investment lags far behind what's needed to ensure a sustainable ocean economy. — but that solutions exist.More on:
Press release
EDF Announces Advisory Council to Tackle Large-Scale Marine Technology Solutions
June 2, 2021 | Christopher Cusack, Director, Oceans Technology SolutionsEDF announced an advisory council made up of experts from multiple countries who will focus their attention on progress toward greater ocean conservation.More on:
Blog post
Charting a New Course Toward Sustainable Offshore Aquaculture
May 20, 2021 | Eric Schwaab, Senior Vice President, People and NatureAmericans import over 85% of all the seafood we consume — and half of that is from foreign aquaculture. That means when it comes to the majority of farmed fish we eat, we’re exporting our environmental footprint while missing out on the opportunity to create greater resilience and jobs for our coastal communities here in …More on:
Blog post
Whales, ships and climate change
May 13, 2021 | Rod Fujita, Associate Vice President, Research & Development, Lead Senior Scientist IIIn all the years I’ve been studying the ocean, whales have provided some of my fondest memories. I remember those humpbacks singing to each other off Maui; the baby gray whale I saw rolling around in the surf near Bodega Bay; and the blue whales that left me awestruck during trips to the Channel Islands.More on:
Blog post
How fish stocks and whale poop can sink carbon to the bottom of the sea
April 30, 2021What might happen to ocean ecosystems and global carbon cycles when widespread ocean restoration occurs?More on:
Blog post
How a community-based fishery program is bringing sustainability to Mexico’s Upper Gulf of California
April 23, 2021By Alexia Juárez, catch monitor, Golfo de Santa Clara, Mexico For me, the ocean means hope. As a child, one of the things I enjoyed most was going with my grandfather to seafood processing plants where I would watch many women working. I also cherish the image of going out to sea with my father …More on:
Press release
Monica Medina Nominated to Lead Bureau on Ocean, Environmental, Scientific Affairs
April 22, 2021 | Eric Schwaab, Senior Vice President, People and NatureEDF statement from Eric Schwaab, Senior Vice President, Oceans and EcosystemsMore on:
Press release
Strong Advocate for Healthy Oceans and Ecosystems in Pick of Spinrad to Lead NOAA
April 22, 2021 | Eric Schwaab, Senior Vice President, People and NatureEDF statement from Eric Schwaab, Senior Vice President, Ecosystems and OceansMore on:
Blog post
Fisheries resilience in the Humboldt Current: one step closer to achieving sustainability
March 25, 2021 | Erica Cunningham, AVP, Latin American Fisheries & OceansBy Cayetana Aljovín and Erica Cunningham Evidence abounds showing that our world — and especially our seas — are changing. This is particularly notable in the Humboldt Current Large Marine Ecosystem, where we have seen changes in the distribution of fish stocks, temperature anomalies, wave surges, harmful algal blooms and much more. Yet, the Humboldt …More on:
Blog post
Computer-assisted monitoring technologies are set to revolutionize fisheries
March 1, 2021 | Shems Jud, Director, Japan Fisheries & OceansBy Melissa Mahoney and Shems Jud With fisheries providing livelihoods, income and nutrition for hundreds of millions of people around the world, finding ways to preserve them is always essential. Yet in many countries, fisheries management hasn’t caught up with the digital world we live in today. Electronic fisheries monitoring and other applications of cutting-edge …More on:
Press release
EDF Launches Video Series to Raise Awareness of Climate Impacts on Fishers
March 1, 2021 | Kate Bonzon, Vice President, Climate Resilient FisheriesAt World Ocean Summit, EDF launched "Portraits of Change," a new eight-part video series to raise awareness of the impacts of climate change.More on:
Press release
EDF Launches SmartPass Initiative to Help Manage Ocean Fishing
February 18, 2021 | Sepp Haukebo, Senior Manager, Global Fisheries InitiativesEDF is launching a new platform to improve data collection and management of fishing using smart cameras coupled with artificial intelligence.More on:
Blog post
In South America’s Humboldt Current, this collaboration to build more climate-resilient fisheries brings together two great fishing nations
February 17, 2021 | Kristin Kleisner, Associate Vice President, Oceans ScienceBy Kristin M. Kleisner and Mauricio Galvez Along the Pacific coast of South America, a powerful ocean current brings to life one of the most abundant and productive ecosystems on the planet. The Humboldt Current System spans from southern Chile to Ecuador, pulling cold, nutrient-rich water from the ocean depths to the surface. This upwelling, as it’s …More on:
Blog post
World Food Day: Utilizing the ocean to feed the planet
February 17, 2021 | Karly Kelso, Director, Climate Resilient Food SystemsToday we celebrate World Food Day — the annual event that promotes global awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and for the need to ensure healthy diets for all. But unique to this year is the coronavirus pandemic, which has created new and extraordinary challenges for the food and nutrition security of …More on: