Displaying 151 - 175 of 208
Press release
Oil and gas industry commits to new framework to monitor, report and reduce methane emissions
November 23, 2020Joint press release from EDF and other leading organizations on the launch of OGMP 2.0 — a robust new tracking and disclosure system for methane emissions.More on:
Press release
Project Will Address Risk of Flood-Induced Chemical Spills at Gulf Coast Facilities
November 10, 2020 | Elena Craft, Associate Vice President, Climate and HealthNational Academy of Sciences grant to EDF will support mapping of at-risk facilities and efforts to mitigate pollution through natural infrastructure.More on:
Press release
Climate Week NYC Partners with EDF to Mark the Start of a Critical Period for Climate Action
September 16, 2020EDF is partnering with Climate Week NYC to deliver a series of events on what countries, and the private sector, must do over the next year to address the climate challenge. -
Press release
Iniciativa de innovación de aire limpio, lanzada por autoridades mexicanas y Environmental Defense Fund
September 7, 2020 | Sergio Sánchez, Senior Policy Director, Global Clean AirA new collaboration effort aimed to harness the transformative power of new technologies to give people knowledge for tackling air pollution in the Mexican capital was announced today by the Mexico City Government, the Megalopolis Commission for Environment and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).More on:
Press release
Plastics, Pathogens and Baby Formula: What’s in Your Seafood?
August 4, 2020A study to examine oysters in Myanmar reveals alarming findings: widespread presence of human bacterial pathogens and human-derived microdebris materials.More on:
How new data tools can help clear the air
June 3, 2020Good government relies on high-quality, actionable intelligence, especially when resources are strained.More on:
Press release
EDF Joins RISE UP – A Blue Call to Action in Support of Ocean Health
May 5, 2020 | Eric Schwaab, Senior Vice President, People and NatureEDF today announced it is joining “RISE UP – A Blue Call to Action” joining dozens of civil society and philanthropic organizations urging governments and businesses to take bold actions to safeguard the ocean.More on:
Press release
European Satellite Data Reveals Extreme Methane Emissions in US Oil & Gas Field
April 22, 2020 | Poppy Kalesi, Former Director, Global EnergyStudy demonstrates the potential for space-based data to drive down global methane loss ratesMore on:
Press release
Satellite Data Reveals Extreme Methane Emissions from Permian Oil & Gas Operations; Shows highest emissions ever measured from a major U.S. oil and gas basin
April 22, 2020 | Ritesh Gautam, Lead Senior Scientist, Remote SensingThe Journal of Science Advances found that oil and gas operations in the Permian Basin are releasing methane at twice the rate of other U.S. regions.More on:
Press release
Coalition Unveils Recommendations for Continued Recovery 10 Years After Gulf Oil Spill
March 11, 2020 | Steve Cochran, Former Associate Vice President, State AffairsEDF statement from Steve Cochran, campaign director for Restore the Mississippi River DeltaMore on:
Press release
EDF, Citizen Groups and States Urge Trump Administration to Reinstate Waste Prevention Rule
March 6, 2020 | Rosalie Winn, Director and Lead Counsel, Methane and Clean Air PolicyEDF press release on BLM waste prevention ruleMore on:
Press release
New Stewardship Network Celebrates Growing Momentum on Conservation in Agriculture
February 27, 2020This network will bring farmers and agricultural organizations together to continue making conservation commonplace.More on:
Blog post
These 4 trends prove electric trucks and buses are revving up
February 10, 2020To avoid the worst impacts of climate change, we need to accelerate electrification of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. Here are the growth trends we'll be monitoring in 2020.More on:
Blog post
The deaths of two Mexican activists are tragic, and a huge loss to us all
February 5, 2020The deaths of Homero Gómez González and Raúl Hernández Romero, activists who protected the monarch butterfly, are devastating, for the human loss as well as the cost to precious ecosystems. -
Press release
New Rule in Pacific Groundfish Fishery Creates Double-Win for Environment, Fishermen
January 7, 2020New rules by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have gone into effect on Jan. 1 to increase protections to deep-sea ecosystems by creating one of the largest marine protected areas off the U.S. West Coast while simultaneously re-opening newly restored fishing grounds.More on:
Data access paves the way for cleaner air
December 18, 2019The smart, interconnected grid of the future is within reach, but customers and entrepreneurs must have easy, secure, and meaningful access to energy data. -
Press release
New Jersey Gas Utilities Embrace New Technology to Cut Greenhouse Emissions
August 7, 2019 | Mary Barber, State Director, New York and New JerseyElizabethtown Gas agreement sets benchmark as Gov. Murphy shapes Energy Master Plan requiring advanced leak detectionMore on:
Tackling lead in drinking water at child care facilities
April 26, 2019 | Lindsay McCormick, Senior Program Manager, Safer ChemicalsEnvironmental Defense Fund’s Lindsay McCormick discusses a pilot project to test for and remediate sources of lead in water at child care facilities.More on:
Cutting methane emissions via regulatory innovation
April 4, 2019Here are some of the challenges innovators must face when coming up with a regulatory framework that encourages innovation to control methane emissions.More on:
Navajo Nation natural gas waste report
March 20, 2019 | Jon Goldstein, Associate Vice President, Energy TransitionAn updated report sheds light on the natural gas wasted on Navajo Nation lands, and offers recommendations for this problem and its negative effects.More on:
Blog post
What food companies can learn from Smithfield Foods exceeding its grain sustainability goal
February 25, 2019Smithfield's grain sustainability interventions as well as their manure-to-energy projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 25 percent by 2025.More on:
How Smithfield achieved its grain sustainability goal
February 22, 2019A case study about Smithfield Foods explains how supply chain partnerships generate shared value for businesses, farmers and the environment.More on:
Tackling lead in water at child care facilities
January 23, 2019This report provides results of a pilot project testing water for lead in child care centers and made suggestions to protect children at these facilities.More on:
Blog post
How one company’s plan to turn pollution into a commodity could change an entire industry
December 12, 2018By cutting emissions, Smithfield Foods is creating new business opportunities for the animal agriculture industry at large.More on:
Case study
Mesa: Snapshot of natural gas leaks under city streets
December 1, 2018City of Mesa Municipal System has eliminated unprotected steel, which is known to be a leak-prone material, from its system.More on: