Displaying 301 - 325 of 1577
Press release
State Budget Must Ensure California Meets Climate, Clean Energy Goals
January 10, 2024 | Katelyn Roedner Sutter, California State DirectorStatement of EDF California State Director Katelyn Roedner Sutter on Governor Gavin Newsom's release of a state budget proposal for FY 2024-2025 to close a projected $37.86 billion deficit - January 10, 2024More on:
Blog post
Solutions for timely interconnection to speed the transition to electric trucks
January 10, 2024By Casey Horan Transportation electrification is accelerating at an unprecedented rate, with nine states adopting the Advanced Clean Trucks rule, which requires manufacturers to produce increasing amounts of zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. There are more pathways than ever for MHDV fleets to electrify, as state and federal programs like those within the Inflation Reduction …More on:
Press release
New York Announces Commitment to a Comprehensive Plan to Build Statewide Climate Resilience
January 9, 2024 | Kate Boicourt , Director, Climate Resilient Coasts and WatershedsStatement by Kate Boicourt, Director, Climate Resilient Coasts & Watersheds, New York-New Jersey, Environmental Defense FundMore on:
Press release
Proposed Hydrogen Tax Credit Regs Establish Important Climate Protections; Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Further
December 22, 2023EDF statement from Amanda Leland on proposed regulations under the 45V Hydrogen Production Tax CreditMore on:
Blog post
Future(s) of the Voluntary Carbon Market: How CFTC Guidance Can Shift Carbon Credits Toward Higher Integrity
December 21, 2023 | Holly Pearen, Lead CounselDuring COP28, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) issued proposed guidance applicable to voluntary carbon credit (VCC) derivative contracts listed on designated contract markets (DCMs). DCMs are self-regulating exchanges that operate under the oversight of the CFTC. By law, they must take measures to protect market participants from abusive practices, promote fair and equitable trading,More on:
Blog post
EPA’s new chemical review process: A thought experiment
December 21, 2023 | Samantha Liskow, Lead Counsel, HealthIn our previous blogs in this multipart series, we have focused on some of the major changes we believe EPA needs to make in its review process for new chemicals—and how EPA could propose regulations to make those reviews safer. In this post, we want to walk you through why EPA must set rules that …More on:
Press release
Virginia Biennial Budget Includes Key Investments in Flood Resilience
December 21, 2023 | Emily Steinhilber, Director, Climate Resilient Coasts and Watersheds, VirginiaStatement by Emily Steinhilber, Director, Climate Resilient Coasts and Watersheds Virginia, Environmental Defense FundMore on:
Press release
Supreme Court Sets Arguments for Industry’s Shadow Docket Requests to Stay EPA’s Clean Air Good Neighbor Rule
December 20, 2023 | Vickie Patton, General CounselStatement of EDF General Counsel Vickie PattonMore on:
Press release
New York State Takes Leading Step Forward with Cap-and-Invest Program to Significantly Curb Climate Pollution
December 20, 2023 | Kate Courtin, Senior Manager, State Climate Policy & StrategyEDF Statement from Kate Courtin, Senior Manager, U.S. ClimateMore on:
Blog post
Northwestern analysis provides more information on the need for ACT in Illinois
December 18, 2023 | Larissa Koehler, Director, Vehicle Electrification & Senior AttorneyThis blog was co-authored by José Acosta-Córdova, Senior Transportation Policy Analyst at LVEJO Transportation is a big issue in Illinois, accounting for almost one-third of the state’s greenhouse gas emissions — the sector responsible for the most GHG emissions in the state. Medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, such as delivery vans, transit buses and large tractor-trailers are …More on:
Blog post
An Opportunity to Strengthen Climate Risk Management in the Derivatives Market
December 18, 2023 | Jeffrey Fralick, Climate Risk Analyst(This post was co-authored by EDF Climate Risk Attorney Elle Stephens) Disasters that are fueled by climate change, like fires, floods, and hurricanes, increasingly pose risks to the U.S. financial system, including the derivatives market. The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) regulates the derivatives market and is now considering updates to its risk management …More on:
Blog post
New York is developing a cap-and-invest program to cut climate pollution. How would it work?
December 15, 2023 | Kate Courtin, Senior Manager, State Climate Policy & StrategyAs a major next step in achieving New York’s climate targets, Governor Hochul and state agency officials are developing rules for a cap-and-invest program. A bold and equitable program would aggressively cut climate pollution, while supporting and investing in clean and healthy communities around the state. This rulemaking could be game-changing for New York — …More on:
Press release
Treasury Department Guidance on Sustainable Aviation Fuels Raises Questions About Sound Science, the Will of Congress and Cutting Climate Emissions
December 15, 2023 | Mark Brownstein, Senior Vice President, Energy TransitionStatement from Mark Brownstein, Senior Vice President, Energy Transition at Environmental Defense FundMore on:
3 important climate wins at COP28 you may not have heard about
December 14, 2023Three wins that came out of COP28, the U.N. Climate Conference, that you may have missed.More on:
Press release
Illinois Rejects Plans from State’s Two Largest Utilities, Requires Cost-Effective Clean Energy and Equity Upgrades
December 14, 2023 | Curt Stokes, Senior AttorneyStatement from Curt Stokes, senior attorney for Environmental Defense FundMore on:
Press release
New York Regulator Declines to Approve Gas Company Plan, Saying it Falls Short of Climate Goals
December 14, 2023Statement by Erin Murphy, Senior Attorney, Energy Markets & Utility Regulation More on:
Blog post
One year into its cap-and-invest program, Washington state looks to build upon its landmark climate law
December 13, 2023 | Caroline Jones, Senior Analyst, U.S. ClimateResults were released today for Washington’s fourth quarterly cap-and-invest auction, which was held on December 6th. The results from this sold-out auction show continued strong demand for allowances in the program, which has brought in substantial revenue for the state of Washington to reinvest in its communities. This is the final auction of 2023, marking …More on:
Press release
COP28 Lays Foundation for Accelerated Climate Action With Much More Needing to be Done
December 13, 2023 | Angela Churie Kallhauge, Executive Vice President, ImpactCOP28 laid an important foundation and some direction on where countries, industry and civil society need to accelerate climate action. But the work following COP28 will require monumental ramp-up in ambition and collaboration to address the climate crisis. We hoped the final agreement would have given countries stronger direction toward a just and equitable transition to clean energy, including realizing the full potential of methane reductions to slow the rate of warming in the near term.More on:
Press release
SEEC Members Introduce Clean Electricity and Transmission Acceleration Act
December 13, 2023 | Elizabeth Gore, Senior Vice President, Political AffairsWorking alongside the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC), U.S. Reps. Sean Casten (D-IL) and Mike Levin (D-CA) yesterday introduced the Clean Electricity and Transmission Acceleration (CETA) Act, which would address some of the most urgent issues in advancing the clean energy transition. This bill will encourage the development of new transmission lines to carry renewable power where it’s needed while protecting the rights of communities to provide input on where lines are built and to benefit from their construction.More on:
Blog post
Unpacking EPA’s final methane protections
December 12, 2023 | Edwin LaMair, Attorney, U.S. Legal & RegulatoryLast week, EPA Administrator Regan announced final standards to cut methane and harmful local air pollution from both new and existing facilities in the oil and gas industry. Diverse stakeholders ranging from major oil-producing states like New Mexico to tribal air agencies to oil and gas producers and methane mitigation companies have all voiced support …More on:
Blog post
Duke Energy’s proposed investment in fossil fuels will leave customers with higher bills and more pollution
December 12, 2023 | Will Scott, Southeast Climate & Clean Energy DirectorIn the last few years, North Carolinians have seen eye-popping electricity bills. Bill increase after bill increase has compounded, resulting in 20+ percent higher monthly bills for most ratepayers in our state. The main driver? The volatile cost of natural gas, which accounts for a larger and larger portion of the energy mix that North …More on:
Press release
Clean Competition Act Would Reduce Industrial Climate Pollution
December 12, 2023 | Elizabeth Gore, Senior Vice President, Political AffairsSen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Rep. Suzan DelBene (D-WA) reintroduced the Clean Competition Act, which aims to reduce industrial climate pollution while strengthening the competitiveness of clean U.S. manufacturing through new incentives.More on:
Press release
Supreme Court Rejects Challenges to EPA’s Endangerment Finding
December 11, 2023 | Vickie Patton, General CounselIn an order issued today, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear challenges to EPA’s Clean Air Act responsibility to address climate pollution.More on:
Press release
EDF Statement on the Concrete and Asphalt Innovation Act of 2023
December 8, 2023 | Elizabeth Gore, Senior Vice President, Political AffairsConcrete and cement are parts of our everyday lives, from sidewalks to bridges and schools, but their production contributes significantly to overheating the planet. We must find solutions for energy-intensive industries like these to reduce their climate pollution.More on:
Blog post
Water is a high-level priority at COP 28, we need to look to ground-level users for solutions
December 7, 2023 | Ann Hayden, Vice President, Climate Resilient Water SystemsWater has finally reached the highest levels of global climate negotiations. The path to a sustainable freshwater future, however, lies with ground-level users. At COP 28, EDF is elevating their voices, their needs and the approaches they find most useful. _______ While greenhouse gases drive climate change, many of its impacts are inherently liquid. Whether …More on: