The case for electric fleets

Fleets across the nation are embracing the challenges and opportunities of electrification. Deployments increased 5 fold in 2023, and 2024 is expected to be another banner year for EV adoption. There’s an electric model for nearly every use case, and state and federal policies are making it easier for fleets to electrify with unprecedented financial support. Yet still, the road to zero-emissions is as complex as it is promising. Some of the most common challenges fleets are facing today include access to funding, making the business case to internal stakeholders, finding the right partners and getting started.
The following written and video case studies will cover these and other themes. They are part of a year-long effort by EDF to showcase the stories of leading fleets who are forging the path toward a zero-emission future so other fleets can learn from their success.
Erica Fick
(213) 435-7160 (office)
Fleet case studies
We begin in the Pacific Northwest, where three companies have accepted the challenge to accelerate zero-emission vehicle adoption in their operations. EDF and partner nonprofit Breaking Barriers Collaborative visited the depots to capture how each business is deploying electric vehicles into their fleets. Though these fleets operate completely different business models and vehicles, interviews revealed common strategies all fleets can utilize to support successful EV fleet deployments.
Community & business benefits
The case for electrification is compelling for fleet operators. Though the benefits speak for themselves, these fleets have a lot to say about how EVs positively impact communities and make economic sense for companies.
Funding & strategic partnerships
Transitioning to zero-emission is a multifaceted process, and though EVs offer a positive ROI, the upfront costs are substantial. These fleets demonstrate how relationship building and access to funding opportunities can help navigate financial obstacles.
Getting started
Converting to a new technology can be an intimidating feat for a company, and some may be hesitant to get started. These fleets showcase how being a pioneer in fleet electrification has changed their operations for the better.
Expert commentary
Learn from our fleet electrification experts.
Case studies: Stories of fleets on the road to electrification
Kae Tuitt
Project Manager, Zero-Emission Truck Deployment
Electric truck deployments by U.S. companies grew 5 times in 2023
Marissa Nixon
Analyst, Zero-Emission Truck Initiative
Finalizing commercial vehicle charging infrastructure tax credit: Fleets could leverage as soon as 2024 filings
Jason Mathers
Associate Vice President, Zero-Emission Truck Initiative