Le financement des actions climatiques en faveur des forêts doit être plus équitable pour soutenir les peuples autochtones et les communautés locales

1 year 5 months ago
Ce billet a été co-écrit par Julia Paltseva, analyste senior chez EDF, et Tuntiak Katan du Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon River Basin (COICA). Pour plus d’informations sur les crédits HFLD (High Forest, Low Deforestation), visitez le site edf.org/hfld. Les forêts sont une composante essentielle de la solution au problème du changement climatique, […]
Guest Author

Le financement des actions climatiques en faveur des forêts doit être plus équitable pour soutenir les peuples autochtones et les communautés locales

1 year 5 months ago
Ce billet a été co-écrit par Julia Paltseva, analyste senior chez EDF, et Tuntiak Katan du Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon River Basin (COICA). Pour plus d’informations sur les crédits HFLD (High Forest, Low Deforestation), visitez le site edf.org/hfld. Les forêts sont une composante essentielle de la solution au problème du changement climatique, […]
Guest Author

El financiamiento climático relacionado con los bosques debe ser más equitativo para apoyar a los Pueblos Indígenas y las comunidades locales

1 year 5 months ago
Este artículo ha sido escrito conjuntamente por Julia Paltseva, analista principal de EDF, y Tuntiak Katan, de la Coordinadora de Organizaciones Indígenas de la Cuenca Amazónica (COICA). Para más información sobre bosques con extensa cubierta forestal y bajas tasas de deforestación, visite edf.org/hfld. Los bosques son una pieza esencial de la solución del cambio climático, y […]
Guest Author

El financiamiento climático relacionado con los bosques debe ser más equitativo para apoyar a los Pueblos Indígenas y las comunidades locales

1 year 5 months ago
Este artículo ha sido escrito conjuntamente por Julia Paltseva, analista principal de EDF, y Tuntiak Katan, de la Coordinadora de Organizaciones Indígenas de la Cuenca Amazónica (COICA). Para más información sobre bosques con extensa cubierta forestal y bajas tasas de deforestación, visite edf.org/hfld. Los bosques son una pieza esencial de la solución del cambio climático, y […]
Guest Author

How new provisions in the Water Resources Development Act are building climate resilience

1 year 5 months ago

The Water Resources Development Act of 2022 (WRDA 2022) passed through Congress last December as part of the this typically biennial and bipartisan legislation invests in water infrastructure by authorizing projects, studies and programs led by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).

The post How new provisions in the Water Resources Development Act are building climate resilience first appeared on Growing Returns.
Sarah Henshaw

How new provisions in the Water Resources Development Act are building climate resilience

1 year 5 months ago

The Water Resources Development Act of 2022 (WRDA 2022) passed through Congress last December as part of the this typically biennial and bipartisan legislation invests in water infrastructure by authorizing projects, studies and programs led by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).

The post How new provisions in the Water Resources Development Act are building climate resilience first appeared on Growing Returns.
Sarah Henshaw

“Environmental Justice will be the Mission of the Entire Government,” says Biden on Creating a New Office of Environmental Justice

1 year 5 months ago

Written by Marcia G. Yerman

In an executive order, Biden declared a new Office of Environmental Justice positioned inside the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Federal agencies are now mandated to structure their policies through the prism of how toxic pollution and the climate crisis impact minority and Native communities.

Marcia G. Yerman

New York lawmakers have a chance to lead on climate. They must take it.

1 year 5 months ago
As the New York legislature’s budget deliberations drag well into April, they still have the opportunity to pass a budget that would pave the way for the state to have one of the most ambitious and equitable climate programs in the country. Right now, a bold cap-and-invest program is on the table as part of […]
Alex DeGolia