Washington state’s second cap-and-invest auction shows strong demand

1 year 3 months ago
Blog co-authored by Kjellen Belcher, Manager, U.S. Climate Today’s results from Washington’s second cap-and-invest auction – most notably selling 100% of allowances – continue to signal strong demand for allowances and confidence in the program, bringing significant revenue for the state to reinvest in Washington communities. This is only the second auction held for the […]
Caroline Jones

Washington state’s second cap-and-invest auction shows strong demand

1 year 3 months ago
Blog co-authored by Kjellen Belcher, Manager, U.S. Climate Today’s results from Washington’s second cap-and-invest auction – most notably selling 100% of allowances – continue to signal strong demand for allowances and confidence in the program, bringing significant revenue for the state to reinvest in Washington communities. This is only the second auction held for the […]
Caroline Jones

Washington state’s second cap-and-invest auction shows strong demand

1 year 3 months ago
Blog co-authored by Kjellen Belcher, Manager, U.S. Climate Today’s results from Washington’s second cap-and-invest auction – most notably selling 100% of allowances – continue to signal strong demand for allowances and confidence in the program, bringing significant revenue for the state to reinvest in Washington communities. This is only the second auction held for the […]
Caroline Jones

Environmental Defense Fund welcomes new Denver Water interim CEO Alan Salazar

1 year 3 months ago
Alan Salazar is a perfect choice for interim CEO at Denver Water,, given his long and impressive history serving in senior leadership positions at the local, state and federal levels — making Colorado better. Denver Water has been a leader in protecting public health and the environment under the leadership of Jim Lochhead and we congratulate Jim on his retirement. The agency’s Lead Reduction Program is a national model, which takes an innovative and proactive approach to replacing all lead service lines at no cost to homeowners. In addition, they are leaders in conserving water in the arid and climate-change impacted West and play a key role in the health of the Colorado River and its tributaries.

The Phoenix area can no longer grow on groundwater. What does this mean for Arizona?

1 year 3 months ago

Last week Governor Hobbs and the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) released a new analysis of groundwater in the Phoenix metro area. News broke around the country with headlines questioning the viability of future development in the region. But, what does this new analysis actually mean for Arizona? Let’s dive in. What does this new […]

The post The Phoenix area can no longer grow on groundwater. What does this mean for Arizona? first appeared on Growing Returns.
Christopher Kuzdas

The Phoenix area can no longer grow on groundwater. What does this mean for Arizona?

1 year 3 months ago

Last week Governor Hobbs and the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) released a new analysis of groundwater in the Phoenix metro area. News broke around the country with headlines questioning the viability of future development in the region. But, what does this new analysis actually mean for Arizona? Let’s dive in. What does this new […]

The post The Phoenix area can no longer grow on groundwater. What does this mean for Arizona? first appeared on Growing Returns.
Christopher Kuzdas

The Phoenix area can no longer grow on groundwater. What does this mean for Arizona?

1 year 3 months ago

Last week Governor Hobbs and the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) released a new analysis of groundwater in the Phoenix metro area. News broke around the country with headlines questioning the viability of future development in the region. But, what does this new analysis actually mean for Arizona? Let’s dive in. What does this new […]

The post The Phoenix area can no longer grow on groundwater. What does this mean for Arizona? first appeared on Growing Returns.
Christopher Kuzdas

The Phoenix area can no longer grow on groundwater. What does this mean for Arizona?

1 year 3 months ago

Last week Governor Hobbs and the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) released a new analysis of groundwater in the Phoenix metro area. News broke around the country with headlines questioning the viability of future development in the region. But, what does this new analysis actually mean for Arizona? Let’s dive in. What does this new […]

The post The Phoenix area can no longer grow on groundwater. What does this mean for Arizona? first appeared on Growing Returns.
Christopher Kuzdas

The Phoenix area can no longer grow on groundwater. What does this mean for Arizona?

1 year 3 months ago

Last week Governor Hobbs and the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) released a new analysis of groundwater in the Phoenix metro area. News broke around the country with headlines questioning the viability of future development in the region. But, what does this new analysis actually mean for Arizona? Let’s dive in.  What does this […]

The post The Phoenix area can no longer grow on groundwater. What does this mean for Arizona? first appeared on Growing Returns.
Christopher Kuzdas

The Phoenix area can no longer grow on groundwater. What does this mean for Arizona?

1 year 3 months ago

Last week Governor Hobbs and the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) released a new analysis of groundwater in the Phoenix metro area. News broke around the country with headlines questioning the viability of future development in the region. But, what does this new analysis actually mean for Arizona? Let’s dive in.  What does this […]

The post The Phoenix area can no longer grow on groundwater. What does this mean for Arizona? first appeared on Growing Returns.
Christopher Kuzdas

The Phoenix area can no longer grow on groundwater. What does this mean for Arizona?

1 year 3 months ago

Last week Governor Hobbs and the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) released a new analysis of groundwater in the Phoenix metro area. News broke around the country with headlines questioning the viability of future development in the region. But, what does this new analysis actually mean for Arizona? Let’s dive in.  What does this […]

The post The Phoenix area can no longer grow on groundwater. What does this mean for Arizona? first appeared on Growing Returns.
Christopher Kuzdas

Climate, agriculture, and finance: exploring connections at the Fed

1 year 3 months ago
The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City’s 2023 Agricultural Symposium, “The Changing Geography of Agricultural Production,” explored the factors driving changes in where and how agricultural commodities are produced, disruptions that are leading to further geographical differences, and the role of investments and farm policy in the years ahead. I had the honor of joining […]
Maggie Monast

Climate, agriculture, and finance: exploring connections at the Fed

1 year 3 months ago
The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City’s 2023 Agricultural Symposium, “The Changing Geography of Agricultural Production,” explored the factors driving changes in where and how agricultural commodities are produced, disruptions that are leading to further geographical differences, and the role of investments and farm policy in the years ahead. I had the honor of joining […]
Maggie Monast

Top 10 cities with the most lead pipes

1 year 3 months ago

Roya Alkafaji, Manager, Healthy Communities and Tom Neltner, Senior Director, Safer Chemicals Initiative EDF identified 10 cities in the U.S. with the most lead service lines (LSLs) based on numbers reported in 2021.[1] These cities collectively have over one million LSLs, representing 12% of the 9.2 million EPA estimates are in the country. Below we […]

The post Top 10 cities with the most lead pipes first appeared on EDF Health.

Roya Alkafaji