A timeline of Zinke's crusade against methane rules

6 years 11 months ago

By Dan Grossman

Here’s a newly-minted cabinet secretary charged with managing 20 percent of the American landscape on behalf of taxpayers and 567 Native American tribes – presented with an opportunity to save his stakeholders millions without lifting a finger.

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, inexplicably, is rejecting this broad public relations win to instead go to bat for the worst actors in the oil and gas industry who only focus on their own short-term bottom line.

Zinke is trying with all his might to halt an Obama-era rule that will reduce wasteful leaking, venting and flaring of natural gas on federal and tribal lands.

On the lands in Secretary Zinke’s charge, oil and gas companies waste around $330 million worth of natural gas annually. That’s enough gas to meet the heating and cooking needs of 1.5 million American homes – or every home in Chicago.

Such waste on land administered by Interior’s Bureau of Land Management also results in the needless emission of methane, volatile organic compounds and hazardous air pollutants, all of which are threats to human health and the environment.

As this timeline shows, Zinke and his industry cronies have already struck out trying to reverse the methane waste rule. And yet, they refuse to go back to the dugout – despite what Congress and the courts have said. But first, some quick background.

January 2017: Court rejects methane rule challenge

Late last year, after final adoption of the anti-waste rule, oil and gas industry interests sued to stop it from taking effect. In January, a federal judge in normally industry-friendly Wyoming rejected their motion for an injunction – and for good reason.

The BLM is charged with protecting federal and tribal lands, and for ensuring appropriate return to taxpayers on such lands. Minimizing wasteful industry practices is a core obligation of the agency.

Strike one.

February 2017: Zinke votes “aye” to rescind

After the January court ruling, Congress stepped in to try get the job done at the behest of industry. Lawmakers attempted to rescind the waste prevention rule by invoking the Congressional Review Act.

Zinke, then still a Montana congressman, cast an “aye” vote – only to watch the Senate reject the roll-back in May. The Senate vote was another set-back for the industry’s campaign to block methane protections on BLM land.

Strike two.

By now, however, Zinke was Secretary of Interior and, together with his industry allies, still intent on reversion the waste prevention rule.

June 2017: Secretary Zinke suspends – loses in court

Less than four months into his new job with the Trump administration, Zinke directed his agency  to unilaterally suspend many of the most important protections of the methane waste rule.

This without providing any opportunity for public comment and without considering the additional wasted gas or harmful air pollution that would result from such a delay.

A legal challenge of that attempted stay – led by the attorneys general of California and New Mexico and a broad coalition of environmental and conservation groups, including mine – was finally defeated in court in early October.

Strike three.

October 2017:  Undeterred, Zinke seeks to delay rule

Still swinging. Zinke is now proposing an effort to stall implementation of the most critical anti-waste protections until January of 2019.

Unlike his predecessor who insisted on an exhaustive stakeholder process before adopting the rule, with hearings in Washington and in the West, Zinke has offered only a 30-day comment period on this attempted rollback. But there’s still time to tell the administration that this is out of line with what Americans want.

This last-ditch maneuvering to halt protections against methane pollution, and which at this point nobody but the secretary and his industry allies support, risks the waste of even more tax dollars.

Since 2013, more than $1.8 billion worth of American taxpayer-owned natural gas has been wasted largely due to avoidable leaks, flaring and intentional releases of methane.

It explains why more than 80 percent of Western voters, who live and work near public lands, support this rule, and why more than two-thirds of voters across the country want to keep it.

But Zinke, a Westerner himself, remains at bat for the worst of industry – no matter how voters feel or what makes good economic sense.

Image source: Gage Skidmore, Flickr

Dan Grossman

A timeline of Zinke's crusade against methane rules

6 years 11 months ago
Here’s a newly-minted cabinet secretary charged with managing 20 percent of the American landscape on behalf of taxpayers and 567 Native American tribes – presented with an opportunity to save his stakeholders millions without lifting a finger. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, inexplicably, is rejecting this broad public relations win to instead go to bat for […]
Dan Grossman

A timeline of Zinke’s crusade against methane rules

6 years 11 months ago

Here’s a newly-minted cabinet secretary charged with managing 20 percent of the American landscape on behalf of taxpayers and 567 Native American tribes – presented with an opportunity to save his stakeholders millions without lifting a finger. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, inexplicably, is rejecting this broad public relations win to instead go to bat for […]

The post A timeline of Zinke’s crusade against methane rules appeared first on Energy Exchange.

Dan Grossman

A timeline of Zinke's crusade against methane rules

6 years 11 months ago
Here’s a newly-minted cabinet secretary charged with managing 20 percent of the American landscape on behalf of taxpayers and 567 Native American tribes – presented with an opportunity to save his stakeholders millions without lifting a finger. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, inexplicably, is rejecting this broad public relations win to instead go to bat for […]
Dan Grossman

A timeline of Zinke's crusade against methane rules

6 years 11 months ago

By Dan Grossman

Here’s a newly-minted cabinet secretary charged with managing 20 percent of the American landscape on behalf of taxpayers and 567 Native American tribes – presented with an opportunity to save his stakeholders millions without lifting a finger.

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, inexplicably, is rejecting this broad public relations win to instead go to bat for the worst actors in the oil and gas industry who only focus on their own short-term bottom line.

Zinke is trying with all his might to halt an Obama-era rule that will reduce wasteful leaking, venting and flaring of natural gas on federal and tribal lands.

On the lands in Secretary Zinke’s charge, oil and gas companies waste around $330 million worth of natural gas annually. That’s enough gas to meet the heating and cooking needs of 1.5 million American homes – or every home in Chicago.

Such waste on land administered by Interior’s Bureau of Land Management also results in the needless emission of methane, volatile organic compounds and hazardous air pollutants, all of which are threats to human health and the environment.

As this timeline shows, Zinke and his industry cronies have already struck out trying to reverse the methane waste rule. And yet, they refuse to go back to the dugout – despite what Congress and the courts have said. But first, some quick background.

January 2017: Court rejects methane rule challenge

Late last year, after final adoption of the anti-waste rule, oil and gas industry interests sued to stop it from taking effect. In January, a federal judge in normally industry-friendly Wyoming rejected their motion for an injunction – and for good reason.

The BLM is charged with protecting federal and tribal lands, and for ensuring appropriate return to taxpayers on such lands. Minimizing wasteful industry practices is a core obligation of the agency.

Strike one.

February 2017: Zinke votes “aye” to rescind

After the January court ruling, Congress stepped in to try get the job done at the behest of industry. Lawmakers attempted to rescind the waste prevention rule by invoking the Congressional Review Act.

Zinke, then still a Montana congressman, cast an “aye” vote – only to watch the Senate reject the roll-back in May. The Senate vote was another set-back for the industry’s campaign to block methane protections on BLM land.

Strike two.

By now, however, Zinke was Secretary of Interior and, together with his industry allies, still intent on reversion the waste prevention rule.

June 2017: Secretary Zinke suspends – loses in court

Less than four months into his new job with the Trump administration, Zinke directed his agency  to unilaterally suspend many of the most important protections of the methane waste rule.

This without providing any opportunity for public comment and without considering the additional wasted gas or harmful air pollution that would result from such a delay.

A legal challenge of that attempted stay – led by the attorneys general of California and New Mexico and a broad coalition of environmental and conservation groups, including mine – was finally defeated in court in early October.

Strike three.

October 2017:  Undeterred, Zinke seeks to delay rule

Still swinging. Zinke is now proposing an effort to stall implementation of the most critical anti-waste protections until January of 2019.

Unlike his predecessor who insisted on an exhaustive stakeholder process before adopting the rule, with hearings in Washington and in the West, Zinke has offered only a 30-day comment period on this attempted rollback. But there’s still time to tell the administration that this is out of line with what Americans want.

This last-ditch maneuvering to halt protections against methane pollution, and which at this point nobody but the secretary and his industry allies support, risks the waste of even more tax dollars.

Since 2013, more than $1.8 billion worth of American taxpayer-owned natural gas has been wasted largely due to avoidable leaks, flaring and intentional releases of methane.

It explains why more than 80 percent of Western voters, who live and work near public lands, support this rule, and why more than two-thirds of voters across the country want to keep it.

But Zinke, a Westerner himself, remains at bat for the worst of industry – no matter how voters feel or what makes good economic sense.

Image source: Gage Skidmore, Flickr

Dan Grossman

A timeline of Zinke's crusade against methane rules

6 years 11 months ago
Here’s a newly-minted cabinet secretary charged with managing 20 percent of the American landscape on behalf of taxpayers and 567 Native American tribes – presented with an opportunity to save his stakeholders millions without lifting a finger. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, inexplicably, is rejecting this broad public relations win to instead go to bat for […]
Dan Grossman

EPA Cuts Put West Virginia At Risk

6 years 11 months ago
The proposed cuts are so outrageous that members of the President's own party are speaking out. We simply cannot allow this to stand. MCAF. Regional. C4.
Environmental Defense Fund

EPA Cuts Put West Virginia At Risk

6 years 11 months ago
The proposed cuts are so outrageous that members of the President's own party are speaking out. We simply cannot allow this to stand. MCAF. Regional. C4.
Environmental Defense Fund

EPA Cuts Put West Virginia At Risk

6 years 11 months ago
The proposed cuts are so outrageous that members of the President's own party are speaking out. We simply cannot allow this to stand. MCAF. Regional. C4.
Environmental Defense Fund

A timeline of Zinke's crusade against methane rules

6 years 11 months ago

Here’s a newly-minted cabinet secretary charged with managing 20 percent of the American landscape on behalf of taxpayers and 567 Native American tribes – presented with an opportunity to save his stakeholders millions without lifting a finger.

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, inexplicably, is rejecting this broad public relations win to instead go to bat for the worst actors in the oil and gas industry who only focus on their own short-term bottom line.   

Zinke is trying with all his might to halt an Obama-era rule that will reduce wasteful leaking, venting and flaring of natural gas on federal and tribal lands.

On the lands in Secretary Zinke’s charge, oil and gas companies waste around $330 million worth of natural gas annually. That’s enough gas to meet the heating and cooking needs of 1.5 million American homes – or every home in Chicago.

Such waste on land administered by Interior’s Bureau of Land Management also results in the needless emission of methane, volatile organic compounds and hazardous air pollutants, all of which are threats to human health and the environment.

As this timeline shows, Zinke and his industry cronies have already struck out trying to reverse the methane waste rule. And yet, they refuse to go back to the dugout – despite what Congress and the courts have said. But first, some quick background.

January 2017: Court rejects methane rule challenge

Late last year, after final adoption of the anti-waste rule, oil and gas industry interests sued to stop it from taking effect. In January, a federal judge in normally industry-friendly Wyoming rejected their motion for an injunction – and for good reason.

The BLM is charged with protecting federal and tribal lands, and for ensuring appropriate return to taxpayers on such lands. Minimizing wasteful industry practices is a core obligation of the agency.

Strike one.

February 2017: Zinke votes “aye” to rescind

After the January court ruling, Congress stepped in to try get the job done at the behest of industry. Lawmakers attempted to rescind the waste prevention rule by invoking the Congressional Review Act.

Zinke, then still a Montana congressman, cast an “aye” vote – only to watch the Senate reject the roll-back in May. The Senate vote was another set-back for the industry’s campaign to block methane protections on BLM land.

Strike two.

By now, however, Zinke was Secretary of Interior and, together with his industry allies, still intent on reversion the waste prevention rule.

June 2017: Secretary Zinke suspends – loses in court

Less than four months into his new job with the Trump administration, Zinke directed his agency  to unilaterally suspend many of the most important protections of the methane waste rule.

This without providing any opportunity for public comment and without considering the additional wasted gas or harmful air pollution that would result from such a delay.   

A legal challenge of that attempted stay – led by the attorneys general of California and New Mexico and a broad coalition of environmental and conservation groups, including mine – was finally defeated in court in early October.

Strike three.

October 2017:  Undeterred, Zinke seeks to delay rule

Still swinging. Zinke is now proposing an effort to stall implementation of the most critical anti-waste protections until January of 2019.

Unlike his predecessor who insisted on an exhaustive stakeholder process before adopting the rule, with hearings in Washington and in the West, Zinke has offered only a 30-day comment period on this attempted rollback. But there’s still time to tell the administration that this is out of line with what Americans want.

This last-ditch maneuvering to halt protections against methane pollution, and which at this point nobody but the secretary and his industry allies support, risks the waste of even more tax dollars.

Since 2013, more than $1.8 billion worth of American taxpayer-owned natural gas has been wasted largely due to avoidable leaks, flaring and intentional releases of methane. 

It explains why more than 80 percent of Western voters, who live and work near public lands, support this rule, and why more than two-thirds of voters across the country want to keep it.

But Zinke, a Westerner himself, remains at bat for the worst of industry – no matter how voters feel or what makes good economic sense.

Trump wants to reduce waste and grow jobs. Good, these policies do just that.

Eleven states support community lead pipe replacement with proactive policies

6 years 11 months ago

By Tom Neltner

Tom Neltner, J.D.Chemicals Policy Director and Sam Lovell, Project Specialist

The largest source of lead in drinking water is lead service lines (LSLs) – the lead pipes connecting the water main under the street to homes and other buildings. Across the country, three dozen communities, large and small, are taking steps to protect public health and respond to concerns by replacing LSLs.

States play an essential role in helping or hindering progress by communities to replace LSLs by administering EPA drinking water rules, distributing federal funded loans, and approving rates some utilities charge customers.

We identified 11 states with proactive policies supporting community efforts to replace LSLs. These states have almost 3 million LSLs based on a 2016 estimate by the American Water Works Association: just short of half the nation’s LSLs. The 11 states are making a positive difference by:

A cross section of lead pipes. Photo Credit: Georgia Health News

  • Empowering communities with grants like Wisconsin, Virginia, Vermont, and New York have done;
  • Providing options to use rate funds like Indiana and Pennsylvania have done;
  • Requiring inventories of LSLs like Illinois, California, Washington, Indiana, and Ohio have done;
  • Setting long-term goals of fully removing all LSLs like California, Washington, and Michigan have done; and
  • Helping prospective homebuyers know whether the home has an LSL.

These policies won’t ensure that all 3 million LSLs are replaced, but it takes the states one step closer to achieving the goal that in 20 years no one will be drinking water through a lead pipe.

Learn more about how 11 states are supporting community LSL replacement efforts.

For each of the states, we describe progress in specific areas: providing funding, developing inventories and posting online maps of LSL locations, establishing standards for replacement practices, and requiring disclosure of LSLs in real estate transactions.

To ensure safe drinking water is available to communities across the country, states need to do more to help communities replace LSLs. The states we have recognized are leading on this challenge.

Tom Neltner

Eleven states support community lead pipe replacement with proactive policies

6 years 11 months ago
Tom Neltner, J.D., Chemicals Policy Director and Sam Lovell, Project Specialist The largest source of lead in drinking water is lead service lines (LSLs) – the lead pipes connecting the water main under the street to homes and other buildings. Across the country, three dozen communities, large and small, are taking steps to protect public health and respond to […]
Tom Neltner

Innovative measurement tool will help Illinois calculate the benefits of smart-grid investments

6 years 11 months ago
Even as the Trump administration moved last week to repeal the Clean Power Plan, some of the biggest American utilities indicated they’ll continue investing in clean energy and strategizing around climate change. And as they continue investing in smart meters and other grid modernization efforts, utilities will want to know how well they do. Are grid programs […]
Dick Munson