Explore the Largest Coastal Restoration Project Completed In Louisiana's History

6 years 2 months ago

Restoration Project Reading List What is Needed to Protect and Restore one of the Gulf Coast’s Largest Swamps? Mid-Breton Sediment Diversion: What It Is and Why It's Needed A Tale of Two Basins: Why One is Thriving While the Other is Dying Watch: Coast 360, A Virtual Day in the Delta To restore Louisiana's coast, we need a suite of large-scale restoration projects across the coast working together to deliver maximum benefits and reduce land loss, restore ecosystems and maintain ...

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Explore the Largest Coastal Restoration Project Completed In Louisiana's History

6 years 2 months ago

Restoration Project Reading List What is Needed to Protect and Restore one of the Gulf Coast’s Largest Swamps? Mid-Breton Sediment Diversion: What It Is and Why It's Needed A Tale of Two Basins: Why One is Thriving While the Other is Dying Watch: Coast 360, A Virtual Day in the Delta To restore Louisiana's coast, we need a suite of large-scale restoration projects across the coast working together to deliver maximum benefits and reduce land loss, restore ecosystems and maintain ...

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The post Explore the Largest Coastal Restoration Project Completed In Louisiana's History appeared first on Restore the Mississippi River Delta.


Connecting indigenous growers with buyers helps save forests and lift up communities

6 years 2 months ago
Economic development while also conserving forests is not easy. Building infrastructure and increasing production often entails forest degradation or destruction. But at Environmental Defense Fund, our mantra “Finding the ways that work” challenges us to solve even the most intractable problems. And so over the last five years, one way we made economic development and […]
Chris Meyer

Connecting indigenous growers with buyers helps save forests and lift up communities

6 years 2 months ago
Economic development while also conserving forests is not easy. Building infrastructure and increasing production often entails forest degradation or destruction. But at Environmental Defense Fund, our mantra “Finding the ways that work” challenges us to solve even the most intractable problems. And so over the last five years, one way we made economic development and […]
Chris Meyer

Clean Car Rollback Puts Families’ Right to Breathe Clean Air in Reverse

6 years 2 months ago

Written by Dominique Browning

Today, President Trump, Acting Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler, and Acting National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Administrator Heidi King issued a proposal to roll back America’s health-protective and money-saving clean car standards.  In their announcement today, the Trump administration has clearly...

Dominique Browning

Families speak out on trichloroethylene exposure: It’s time for EPA to act

6 years 2 months ago
Samantha Lovell is a Project Specialist. Lindsay McCormick, is a Project Manager. Today, families from across the country came to Washington, DC to tell lawmakers how the toxic chemical trichloroethylene (TCE) has impacted their lives. TCE is a known human carcinogen that is toxic to the immune system and kidneys, and can cause fetal heart damage […]
Sam Lovell

PART 1: EPA rams through its reckless review scheme for new chemicals under TSCA, your health be damned

6 years 2 months ago
Richard Denison, Ph.D., is a Lead Senior Scientist. Part 1               Part 2               Part 3 Overruling the recommendations of its own longtime professional staff, political appointees at EPA have begun green-lighting new chemicals to enter commerce using an approach that shows contempt for the letter […]
Richard Denison

PART 1: EPA rams through its reckless review scheme for new chemicals under TSCA, your health be damned

6 years 2 months ago
Richard Denison, Ph.D., is a Lead Senior Scientist. Part 1               Part 2               Part 3 Overruling the recommendations of its own longtime professional staff, political appointees at EPA have begun green-lighting new chemicals to enter commerce using an approach that shows contempt for the letter […]
Richard Denison