The Trump administration’s Clean Power Plan replacement – for many states, worse than doing nothing

6 years ago
The Trump Administration’s proposed “replacement” for the Clean Power Plan would not only increase dangerous climate pollution and cost American lives – it would actually be worse than doing nothing at all in many states. The proposal would severely weaken our nation’s only limits on carbon pollution from existing power plants. It would increase climate […]
Rama Zakaria

The Trump administration’s Clean Power Plan replacement – for many states, worse than doing nothing

6 years ago
The Trump Administration’s proposed “replacement” for the Clean Power Plan would not only increase dangerous climate pollution and cost American lives – it would actually be worse than doing nothing at all in many states. The proposal would severely weaken our nation’s only limits on carbon pollution from existing power plants. It would increase climate […]
Rama Zakaria

Scaling for good: can McDonald's raise the bar for sustainable food?

6 years ago
At Environmental Defense Fund, we believe that environmental progress and economic growth can and must go hand in hand. EDF+Business works with leading companies and investors to raise the bar for corporate sustainability leadership by setting ambitious, science-based goals; collaborating for scale across industries and global supply chains; publicly supporting smart environmental safeguards; and, accelerating environmental innovation. This is […]
Tom Murray

Can booming green bonds finance sustainable cities?

6 years ago
In this three-part blog series “Making Vanilla Green or Making Green Vanilla,” EDF+Business Sustainable Finance Manager Jake Hiller, and Clean Energy and Sustainable Finance Intern Gabriel Malek unpack how an environmental advocacy group like EDF could best use its resources and expertise to drive impact in the fixed income market. This research is informed by […]
Jake Hiller

At GCAS, Walmart and Unilever show leadership on forests: 3 big reasons to join them

6 years ago
Walmart and Unilever made big news at this week’s Global Climate Action Summit. With forest loss still on the rise (the highest levels of tropical tree cover loss occurred in the last two years), these two consumer-product giants just committed to taking big, concrete steps toward addressing the complex reality of global deforestation. At the center of […]
Katie Anderson

Methane rollbacks create moment of truth for oil and gas executives

6 years ago
How top energy companies engage in the U.S. methane policy debate in the coming weeks may tell us a lot about the future of natural gas. As these companies have themselves recognized, the role of natural gas in a world that can—and must—decarbonize depends on minimizing harmful emissions of methane from across oil and gas […]
Ben Ratner