Latin America’s Climate Challenge, and Opportunity

11 months ago
At Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week, the region’s leaders and climate stakeholders will have the opportunity to collaborate and advance discussions on climate policies that address multiple issues for both mitigation and adaptation. Climate financing, both from rich countries and the private sector, will need to be scaled up for solutions to work.
Juan Pablo Hoffmaister

Latin America’s Climate Challenge, and Opportunity

11 months ago
At Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week, the region’s leaders and climate stakeholders will have the opportunity to collaborate and advance discussions on climate policies that address multiple issues for both mitigation and adaptation. Climate financing, both from rich countries and the private sector, will need to be scaled up for solutions to work.
Juan Pablo Hoffmaister

Opportunities to support equitable and just housing adaptation in the floodplain

11 months ago

Environmental Defense Fund andCornell University partnered this past year to better understand the programs that support proactive retrofitting or relocating to accommodate flood risk for a range of housing types in New York City. We are sharing our preliminary takeaways about opportunities to close the resilient housing gap. 

The post Opportunities to support equitable and just housing adaptation in the floodplain first appeared on Growing Returns.
Anushi Garg, Sr. Analyst for EDF's Climate Resilient Coasts & Watersheds NY-NJ program

Climate Policy News You Can Use

11 months ago
Latest U.S. climate policy news, key upcoming advocacy opportunities for companies, relevant events, and exciting EDF updates from Victoria Mills.
Victoria Mills

Success of Hydrogen Hubs requires a step increase in transparency

11 months 1 week ago

This blog was co-authored with Erik Kamrath, Hydrogen Advocate, Climate and Clean Energy at NRDC and Pete Budden, Advocate, Climate and Clean Energy at NRDC.  After much anticipation, President Biden and the Department of Energy (DOE) announced on October 13th the winners of the DOE hydrogen hub (H2Hub) program — a program intended to leverage […]

The post Success of Hydrogen Hubs requires a step increase in transparency appeared first on Climate 411.

Natasha Vidangos