3 reasons why air pollution should be a top priority for businesses

5 years 11 months ago
Leaders from pretty much every country in the world representing current and future customers attended the World Health Organization’s (WHO) inaugural Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health in Geneva last week, along with academics and nongovernmental organizations, but there were no corporate leaders in attendance. The absence of companies suggests that air pollution isn’t […]
Aileen Nowlan

This Election Day, leverage your influence on climate

5 years 11 months ago
I remember the exhilaration I felt as my mom and dad drew the curtain to fill out their ballot, and I know I’ll experience a similar sensation tomorrow when I cast a vote for what I believe in: A cleaner, better future. Findings from last month’s IPCC Special Report show the dramatic effects that climate […]
Scott Wood

This Election Day, leverage your influence on climate

5 years 11 months ago
I remember the exhilaration I felt as my mom and dad drew the curtain to fill out their ballot, and I know I’ll experience a similar sensation tomorrow when I cast a vote for what I believe in: A cleaner, better future. Findings from last month’s IPCC Special Report show the dramatic effects that climate […]
Scott Wood

This Election Day, leverage your influence on climate

5 years 11 months ago
I remember the exhilaration I felt as my mom and dad drew the curtain to fill out their ballot, and I know I’ll experience a similar sensation tomorrow when I cast a vote for what I believe in: A cleaner, better future. Findings from last month’s IPCC Special Report show the dramatic effects that climate […]
Scott Wood

FirstEnergy – still feeding the swamp and begging for bailouts

5 years 11 months ago
96 FirstEnergy – still feeding the swamp and begging for bailouts p{ margin:10px 0; padding:0; } table{ border-collapse:collapse; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ display:block; margin:0; padding:0; } img,a img{ border:0; height:auto; outline:none; text-decoration:none; } body,#bodyTable,#bodyCell{ height:100%; margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; } .mcnPreviewText{ display:none !important; } #outlook a{ padding:0; } img{ -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; } table{ mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } .ReadMsgBody{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass{ width:100%; } p,a,li,td,blockquote{ mso-line-height-rule:exactly; } a[href^=tel],a[href^=sms]{ color:inherit; cursor:default; text-decoration:none; } p,a,li,td,body,table,blockquote{ -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; } .ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font{ line-height:100%; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]{ color:inherit !important; text-decoration:none !important; 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line-height:150% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ .headerContainer .mcnTextContent,.headerContainer .mcnTextContent p{ font-size:16px !important; line-height:150% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ .bodyContainer .mcnTextContent,.bodyContainer .mcnTextContent p{ font-size:16px !important; line-height:150% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ .footerContainer .mcnTextContent,.footerContainer .mcnTextContent p{ font-size:14px !important; line-height:150% !important; } } Surprise, surprise: FirstEnergy has been trying to get in good with Ohio's gubernatorial candidates.  Monday November 5, 2018 - Edition #59

Tomorrow is Election Day, and for Ohio – where FirstEnergy is based – that means a new governor.

Surprise, surprise: the utility giant has been trying to get in good with the candidates. According to the Energy and Policy Institute, FirstEnergy “has poured money, food and beverages into the race for governor,” hoping to secure support for a nuclear bailout. And by money, they mean thousands and thousands of dollars. And by food, might we suggest that a few slices of pizza don’t justify a multi-billion-dollar bailout.

Rather than trying to make Ohioans pay for power that’s not needed (see below), why not put that money toward making electricity cleaner and cheaper?

For past newsletters and other updates, you can always visit our FirstEnergy landing page.

--> Reliability? Check  PJM, the grid operator responsible for reliability in Ohio and many other states, recently “found there is ‘no imminent threat’ to keeping the lights on as coal and nuclear power plants close,” according to E&E News.

These findings were the result of a “stress test” that looked at over 300 possible scenarios including extreme weather and more power plant retirements.

Furthermore, "’we think government intervention is unnecessary,’ [the president of PJM] said, saying it would be more inefficient and costly than a market-based solution.” Most Ohioans want cleaner energy A new survey by Consumer Reports provides some insight into the way Ohioans view electricity. A quick summary:
  • Electric utilities care about lowering costs for their customers: 12% agree; 51% disagree
  • Reducing pollution from power plants is a worthwhile goal: 73% agree; 6% disagree
  • Increasing renewable energy (such as solar and wind) is a worthwhile goal: 71% agree; 7% disagree
(The remaining % are unsure.)

Suggestion on what would be a worthwhile goal for FirstEnergy? Giving Ohioans what they actually want. And yet… And yet FirstEnergy is still trying to make its nuclear bailout happen. The company plans for a renewed legislative push after the elections are over. What’s next for the bankruptcy case FirstEnergy Solutions – the FirstEnergy unit that owns and operates power plants and sells power to customers in the competitive market – filed for bankruptcy in the spring.

The bankruptcy court recently approved a settlement requiring FirstEnergy Corp. to pay $850 million in cash and notes into the pot for the creditors of FirstEnergy Solutions. In exchange, FirstEnergy Corp. will be relieved of further liability to the creditors. The settlement led FirstEnergy to recently report a $512 million loss in its third quarter –another example of how FirstEnergy Corp.’s heavy bet on coal and nuclear has been dragging it down for years.

The bankruptcy judge also allowed FirstEnergy Solutions to cancel its contracts to buy power from two old coal plants. We hope this leads to closing the uneconomic plants, which should have occurred a long time ago.

FirstEnergy Solutions is also trying to cancel contracts to buy coal from Murray Energy. The bankruptcy judge rejected the company’s initial bid to cancel these contracts because FirstEnergy Solutions tried to retain some of the benefits from the contracts – namely, requiring Murray Energy to continue cleaning up coal waste. The judge said the company may re-file its request to cancel the contracts if it’s willing to give up the benefits.

The focus of the bankruptcy case will now shift to developing a plan for paying the company’s liabilities. We will use our best efforts to make sure that FirstEnergy takes responsibility for cleaning up its mess – literally (hazardous waste from the company’s coal and nuclear plants) and figuratively. --> --> Copyright © 2018 Environmental Defense Fund |Energy, All rights reserved.

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FDA-approved PFAS: A serious breakdown in assessing food additive safety

5 years 11 months ago
Tom Neltner, J.D., Chemicals Policy Director, and Maricel Maffini, Ph.D., Independent Consultant This blog is the fourth in a series describing information we discovered in reviewing thousands of pages from the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) response to our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) of the agency’s approval of 31 Food Contact Substance Notifications (FCNs) from […]
Tom Neltner

3 reasons why air pollution should be a top priority for businesses

5 years 11 months ago
Leaders from pretty much every country in the world representing current and future customers attended the World Health Organization’s (WHO) inaugural Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health in Geneva last week, along with academics and nongovernmental organizations, but there were no corporate leaders in attendance.The absence of companies suggests that air pollution isn’t front […]
Aileen Nowlan

Delta Dispatches – Nicholls State University: Closest to the Coast

5 years 11 months ago

On today’s show Dr. Jay Clune, President of Nicholls State University joins the program to talk about his path to becoming President of the university, and what makes Nicholls a special place including Nicholls Farm and the Nicholls Center of Excellence and business incubator. Simone and Jacques are also joined by Nicki Boudreaux, the Instructor of Mass Communication at Nicholls. She talks about what made the intersect the coast and communicating, and how she has seen communication change since she ...

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Delta Dispatches – Nicholls State University: Closest to the Coast

5 years 11 months ago

On today’s show Dr. Jay Clune, President of Nicholls State University joins the program to talk about his path to becoming President of the university, and what makes Nicholls a special place including Nicholls Farm and the Nicholls Center of Excellence and business incubator. Simone and Jacques are also joined by Nicki Boudreaux, the Instructor of Mass Communication at Nicholls. She talks about what made the intersect the coast and communicating, and how she has seen communication change since she ...

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These red and blue states are tackling climate change since Trump won’t

5 years 11 months ago
By Keith Zukowski, Communications Project Manager If you’ve been focused on recent reports of climate disaster, or on the Trump administration’s relentless attacks against environmental safeguards and climate science, you’re probably worrying we’re not making progress – at all. But look a little closer, right here in the United States, and you’ll see that people […]
EDF Blogs

These red and blue states are tackling climate change since Trump won't

5 years 11 months ago
By Keith Zukowski, Communications Project Manager If you’ve been focused on recent reports of climate disaster, or on the Trump administration’s relentless attacks against environmental safeguards and climate science, you’re probably worrying we’re not making progress – at all. But look a little closer, right here in the United States, and you’ll see that people […]
EDF Blogs

These red and blue states are tackling climate change since Trump won’t

5 years 11 months ago
By Keith Zukowski, Communications Project Manager If you’ve been focused on recent reports of climate disaster, or on the Trump administration’s relentless attacks against environmental safeguards and climate science, you’re probably worrying we’re not making progress – at all. But look a little closer, right here in the United States, and you’ll see that people […]
EDF Blogs