Tell Congress: We need 100% Clean

5 years 3 months ago
So we need to get started addressing the climate crisis TODAY, by demanding a transition to a 100% clean economy by 2050. DOF. C3. Regional.
Environmental Defense Fund

Tell Congress: We need 100% Clean

5 years 3 months ago
So we need to get started addressing the climate crisis TODAY, by demanding a transition to a 100% clean economy by 2050. DOF. C3. Regional.
Environmental Defense Fund

Moms Demand a Climate Debate

5 years 3 months ago

Written by Dominique Browning

Our children will be living with the deadly consequences of an overheating planet for the rest of their lives — what we do, or don’t do, in the next five to ten years makes an enormous difference. Our members want to know what candidates' climate plans will be in their first 100 days in office.

Dominique Browning

Tell the DNC: Moms Demand a Climate Debate

5 years 3 months ago
Climate change will impact every aspect of our children's lives. Moms have a right to know how anybody that seeks the oval office will address this crisis. Tell the DNC that we need a climate debate! MCAF. C3. Regional.
Environmental Defense Fund

Tell the DNC: Moms Demand a Climate Debate

5 years 3 months ago
Climate change will impact every aspect of our children's lives. Moms have a right to know how anybody that seeks the oval office will address this crisis. Tell the DNC that we need a climate debate! MCAF. C3. Regional.
Environmental Defense Fund

Hey Trump EPA, your extreme bias in favor of the chemical industry is showing again

5 years 3 months ago
Richard Denison, Ph.D., is a Lead Senior Scientist. [See UPDATE in brackets below.] The Trump Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has just released drafts of two more chemical risk evaluations it has conducted under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).  One is for the likely human carcinogen and neurotoxicant 1,4-dioxane, which contaminates public water systems serving more […]
Richard Denison