EPA’s methane rollback sparks opposition from a diverse group of stakeholders

4 years 9 months ago
Over the last few months the Environmental Protection Agency has accepted comments on its proposal to deregulate methane from the oil and gas industry. And based upon the volume and content of comments they have received, the agency should realize opposition to this proposal is both widespread and strong. It is no surprise that more […]
Jon Goldstein

Hiding Behind a New Name

4 years 9 months ago
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Hiding Behind a New Name

Lobbyists for FirstEnergy Solutions stuck Ohio customers with a billion-dollar bailout. Lawyers for the utility giant stiffed creditors for millions more by declaring bankruptcy. Now, the company’s publicists want to pretend it’s a reformed company with a soothing new name.  In corporate speak, the CEO declared that "Energy Harbor reflects a focus on providing our customers and local communities with safe and resilient energy in addition to industry leading service to manage their energy needs.”

 This led us to think of more appropriate names for the bailout-bankruptcy bandit. Rather than “Energy Harbor,” one suggestion was Pirate Cove. Other options, courtesy of Ohio Citizen Action, were Bankruptcy Bay, Boondoggle Dock, Pork Barrel Port and Subsidy Harbor.

Crushing Democracy

The newly-named Energy Harbor spent tens of millions on lobbyists and advertisements to push legislation that provided its billion-dollar bailout (not a bad return on investment). Then, when diverse organizations tried to allow Ohio citizens to vote on the measure, these bailout protectors spent millions more to keep the referendum off the ballot. They swamped the airways with ominous advertisements claiming the Chinese government was behind the referendum and trying to steal Ohio’s electricity. Subsidy seekers hired hundreds of blockers to surround signature gatherers, and even bribed some to destroy petitions. Even a federal judge acknowledged the anti-democracy practices were over-the-top nasty. 

 The bailout-bankruptcy bandit also tried to convince the Ohio Supreme Court to block the referendum from the November 2020 ballot, but the justices would have none of it. Noting the blatant harassment, another case is before that court to allow referendum advocates the full 90 days for signature gathering guaranteed by the Ohio Constitution. As you might guess, Energy Harbor is opposing that effort with gale-force winds. 

Clean Energy Investments

Legislators who approved the billion-dollar bailout for FES’s uneconomic coal and nuclear plants are also making it very hard for clean energy companies to invest in Ohio. The subsidy legislation overturned the state’s efficiency and renewable energy incentives, and Ohio previously adopted perhaps the nation’s most restrictive siting laws associated with wind turbines. Some legislators are proposing new measures that would allow wind farms already certified by the Ohio Siting Board to be overturned. It’s ironic that these legislators claim to be conservative but are restricting the property rights of farmers and others who want to invest in clean energy.

Despite the legislature’s “Not Open for Clean-Energy Business” attacks, a recent report found 113,000 people are employed in Ohio’s clean energy sector. Those numbers will grow with the recent announcement by General Motors and South Korea’s LG Chem of a joint venture to mass-produce batteries for electric cars in Ohio. The two companies will invest $2.3 billion — and create 1,100 new jobs — to manufacture battery cells in Lordstown for the 20 new electric vehicles that GM plans to roll out by 2023. According to GM’s CEO, “I think this is a critical juncture in our path to create an all-electric future.”
    Good to know that at least one company — even if it has an old name — is looking forward. 


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Tell Your Senator to Stand Up for Kids

4 years 9 months ago
If Congress misses this deadline, we face the threat of another devastating government shutdown -- which could mean dirtier water and air that's less safe for our children and families. MCAF. C4. Regional.
Environmental Defense Fund

Tell Your Senator to Stand Up for Kids

4 years 9 months ago
If Congress misses this deadline, we face the threat of another devastating government shutdown -- which could mean dirtier water and air that's less safe for our children and families. MCAF. C4. Regional.
Environmental Defense Fund

New mapping tool shows who will be impacted by EPA’s dangerous methane rollback

4 years 9 months ago

A few months ago, the Environmental Protection Agency released their proposal to eliminate regulation of methane emissions from new and modified sources across the oil and gas sector and attempt to preclude future federal regulation of the vast number of older sources in the industry. EDF and a coalition of other concerned public health and […]

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Rosalie Winn

New mapping tool shows who will be impacted by EPA’s dangerous methane rollback

4 years 9 months ago
A few months ago, the Environmental Protection Agency released their proposal to eliminate regulation of methane emissions from new and modified sources across the oil and gas sector and attempt to preclude future federal regulation of the vast number of older sources in the industry. EDF and a coalition of other concerned public health and […]
Rosalie Winn

New mapping tool shows who will be impacted by EPA’s dangerous methane rollback

4 years 9 months ago
A few months ago, the Environmental Protection Agency released their proposal to eliminate regulation of methane emissions from new and modified sources across the oil and gas sector and attempt to preclude future federal regulation of the vast number of older sources in the industry. EDF and a coalition of other concerned public health and […]
Rosalie Winn