UN Aviation Body Approves Environmental Provisions for Airline Climate Program

4 years 6 months ago
The International Civil Aviation Organization’s governing Council today took a key step to stand up its emission offsetting program to help airlines reduce climate pollution, even as the aviation sector reels from the economic fallout of the coronavirus. The Council’s decision on the program, known as CORSIA (Carbon Offsetting and Reductions Scheme for International Aviation), was based on recommendations from its Technical Advisory Body, which sought to weed out old emission credits that had questionable accounting and environmental provisions.

Report shows Texas leadership on solar and wind is helping safeguard our power grid

4 years 6 months ago
Last summer, Texas’ electric grid was put to the test by scorching temperatures that sent power demand soaring and raised the specter of potential brownouts. Thankfully, the grid did what it was designed to do and pulled through without any major issues. This week, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas released its projection for how […]
John Hall

Illinois’ Clean Energy Jobs Act puts people and climate first

4 years 6 months ago
Last week was a big one for Illinois energy advocacy. Hundreds of activists from around the state descended on the Capitol to rally and knock on legislators’ doors to persuade them to pass the Clean Energy Jobs Act now. Then, the Illinois House and Senate each held hearings where EDF and our partners in the […]
Christie Hicks

Illinois’ Clean Energy Jobs Act puts people and climate first

4 years 6 months ago

Last week was a big one for Illinois energy advocacy. Hundreds of activists from around the state descended on the Capitol to rally and knock on legislators’ doors to persuade them to pass the Clean Energy Jobs Act now. Then, the Illinois House and Senate each held hearings where EDF and our partners in the […]

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Christie Hicks

Court Rules in Favor of California and Denies Trump Administration Claims that California’s Coordination with Quebec in Cutting Climate Pollution is Unconstitutional

4 years 6 months ago
Today, a federal district court issued an order granting California’s motion for summary judgment and rejecting the U.S. motion on two constitutional claims that California’s coordination with Quebec to reduce climate pollution is unlawful. The order by Judge William B. Shubb in the Eastern District of California was issued after a multi-hour hearing in Sacramento on Monday, March 9th. Two Constitutional claims remain outstanding and will be briefed and argued at a future date.

EDF Analysis: ICAO Council Must Resist Temptation to Water Down CORSIA

4 years 6 months ago
On the eve of an important decision amid the spreading coronavirus, an analysis published today by Environmental Defense Fund cautions the International Civil Aviation Organization’s governing Council against making fundamental changes that would weaken the Carbon Offsetting and Reductions Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).