“Illegal, unscientific, and un-health protective”: Summing up EPA’s final methylene chloride risk evaluation

4 years 3 months ago
Richard Denison, Ph.D., is a Lead Senior Scientist. Today, the Trump EPA released its first final risk evaluation and determination under the reformed Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), for the carcinogenic and acutely lethal chemical methylene chloride. Sadly, despite EPA’s rush to issue this document as the 4th anniversary of TSCA reform on June 22 approaches, […]
Richard Denison

“Illegal, unscientific, and un-health protective”: Summing up EPA’s final methylene chloride risk evaluation

4 years 3 months ago
Richard Denison, Ph.D., is a Lead Senior Scientist. Today, the Trump EPA released its first final risk evaluation and determination under the reformed Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), for the carcinogenic and acutely lethal chemical methylene chloride. Sadly, despite EPA’s rush to issue this document as the 4th anniversary of TSCA reform on June 22 approaches, […]
Richard Denison

Revised national standard tightens lead leaching limits for new drinking water fixtures

4 years 3 months ago
Tom Neltner, J.D. is the Chemicals Policy Director Effective today, the national consensus standard for plumbing devices, known as NSF/ANSI/CAN 61, was revised to require, by January 1, 2024, that manufacturers of faucets and fountains that dispense drinking water meet limits five times more protective for lead leaching than the current standard. Manufacturers have the […]
Tom Neltner

Some of the biggest names in trucking are calling for federal support of electric trucks and buses

4 years 3 months ago
Momentum is building for federal support of truck electrification, and today’s launch of the National Zero-Emission Truck Coalition is a great example of how federal incentives are urgently needed to clean up our air, create tens of thousands of jobs and solidify American competitiveness in the global zero-emission truck market. Organized by CALSTART, the ZET […]
Jason Mathers

Some of the biggest names in trucking are calling for federal support of electric trucks and buses

4 years 3 months ago
Momentum is building for federal support of truck electrification, and today’s launch of the National Zero-Emission Truck Coalition is a great example of how federal incentives are urgently needed to clean up our air, create tens of thousands of jobs and solidify American competitiveness in the global zero-emission truck market. Organized by CALSTART, the ZET […]
Jason Mathers

The bar for corporate citizenship has been raised. It’s time for the rankings to catch up.

4 years 3 months ago
The promise of stakeholder capitalism — that companies serve the interests of customers, employees, suppliers and communities in addition to shareholders — is being pressure-tested in real time. Social unrest, an unfolding pandemic, historic unemployment and the slower moving but no less devastating climate crisis have only intensified the scrutiny companies were already facing from […]
Victoria Mills

The bar for corporate citizenship has been raised. It’s time for the rankings to catch up.

4 years 3 months ago

The promise of stakeholder capitalism — that companies serve the interests of customers, employees, suppliers and communities in addition to shareholders — is being pressure-tested in real time. Social unrest, an unfolding pandemic, historic unemployment and the slower moving but no less devastating climate crisis have only intensified the scrutiny companies were already facing from […]

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Victoria Mills

Delta Dispatches: Birds of a Feather

4 years 3 months ago

In this episode of Delta Dispatches, hosts Jacques Hebert and Simone Maloz chat with two experts from the Audubon Society. First, we talk with frequent guest Erik Johnson, Director of Bird Conservation for Audubon Louisiana. He looks back at Louisiana’s first named storm of 2020 – Tropical Storm Cristobal. The storm impacted coastal birds across Louisiana and Mississippi’s coast including the newly completed nesting site at Queen Bess Island. In the second half the show, we chat with Charles Allen, ...

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Delta Dispatches: Birds of a Feather

4 years 3 months ago

In this episode of Delta Dispatches, hosts Jacques Hebert and Simone Maloz chat with two experts from the Audubon Society. First, we talk with frequent guest Erik Johnson, Director of Bird Conservation for Audubon Louisiana. He looks back at Louisiana’s first named storm of 2020 – Tropical Storm Cristobal. The storm impacted coastal birds across Louisiana and Mississippi’s coast including the newly completed nesting site at Queen Bess Island. In the second half the show, we chat with Charles Allen, ...

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Lyft commits to 100% electric vehicles by 2030. Here’s why it matters.

4 years 3 months ago

Investor, employee and customer pressure on companies to help lead the way to a more sustainable, equitable and resilient future is at an all-time high. Their calls for leadership are only reinforced as the current administration continues to denigrate and divide, while the nation tries to recover from the devastation of COVID-19 and work for […]

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Elizabeth Sturcken

Report: California’s clean truck rule will save the economy billions, eliminate vast amounts of pollution

4 years 3 months ago
Chris Busch, Ph.D. with Energy Innovation co-authored this piece Next week, California plans to do something that’s never been done before. The state will finalize the world’s first electric vehicle manufacturing standard, which promises to add thousands more clean trucks and buses to California streets. The rule requires makers of medium- and heavy-duty trucks to […]
Jamie Fine

Report: California’s clean truck rule will save the economy billions, eliminate vast amounts of pollution

4 years 3 months ago

Chris Busch, Ph.D. with Energy Innovation co-authored this piece Next week, California plans to do something that’s never been done before. The state will finalize the world’s first electric vehicle manufacturing standard, which promises to add thousands more clean trucks and buses to California streets. The rule requires makers of medium- and heavy-duty trucks to […]

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Jamie Fine

Report: California’s clean truck rule will save the economy billions, eliminate vast amounts of pollution

4 years 3 months ago
By Chris Busch, Ph.D. and Jamie Fine, Ph.D. Next week, California plans to do something that’s never been done before. The state will finalize the world’s first electric vehicle manufacturing standard, which promises to add thousands more clean trucks and buses to California streets. The rule requires makers of medium- and heavy-duty trucks to build […]
EDF Blogs

Hurricanes Coming: Protecting Black and Brown Neighborhoods from a “Triple Whammy”

4 years 3 months ago
Elena Craft, Ph.D., is Senior Director of Climate and Health This is the first in a series of Global Clean Air blogs on COVID-19 and air pollution. EDF scientists will share data about pollution levels during quarantine from a local and global perspective, and provide recommendations for governments and companies to Rebuild Better. A black […]
Elena Craft, PhD

Black Lives Matter

4 years 3 months ago

Restore the Mississippi River Delta stands in opposition to all forms of racism, police brutality and violence against Black people and communities. We share our country’s grief and anger over the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Modesto Reyes and the countless other Black people whose lives have been brutally taken. Anti-Blackness and Anti-Black racism are systemic issues that exist across all facets of American society, including our own coastal restoration efforts in Louisiana. We pledge to fundamentally ...

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Black Lives Matter

4 years 3 months ago

Restore the Mississippi River Delta stands in opposition to all forms of racism, police brutality and violence against Black people and communities. We share our country’s grief and anger over the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Modesto Reyes and the countless other Black people whose lives have been brutally taken. Anti-Blackness and Anti-Black racism are systemic issues that exist across all facets of American society, including our own coastal restoration efforts in Louisiana. We pledge to fundamentally ...

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The case against the Trump administration’s rollback of the Clean Power Plan

4 years 3 months ago

The Environmental Protection Agency will file a legal brief today defending its decision to dismantle the Clean Power Plan and replace it with the harmful and cynically misnamed Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule. But nothing EPA says can alter the fact that ACE is destructive, costly, and unlawful. EPA projects that ACE will reduce power […]

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Lance Bowman

The case against the Trump administration’s rollback of the Clean Power Plan

4 years 3 months ago
The Environmental Protection Agency will file a legal brief today defending its decision to dismantle the Clean Power Plan and replace it with the harmful and cynically misnamed Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule. But nothing EPA says can alter the fact that ACE is destructive, costly, and unlawful. EPA projects that ACE will reduce power […]
Lance Bowman