Pueblos Indígenas enfrentan desafíos para una participación efectiva en foros internacionales de política climática

3 years 11 months ago
Esta publicación fue corredactada por Bärbel Henneberger.  Read in English Los impactos negativos de COVID-19 van más allá de los efectos directos en la salud, particularmente entre los Pueblos Indígenas, que han estado entre los más afectados por la pandemia. Las violaciones de derechos humanos junto con los conflictos ambientales se han intensificado, lo que […]
Breanna Lujan

Pueblos Indígenas enfrentan desafíos para una participación efectiva en foros internacionales de política climática

3 years 11 months ago
Esta publicación fue corredactada por Bärbel Henneberger.  Read in English Los impactos negativos de COVID-19 van más allá de los efectos directos en la salud, particularmente entre los Pueblos Indígenas, que han estado entre los más afectados por la pandemia. Las violaciones de derechos humanos junto con los conflictos ambientales se han intensificado, lo que […]
Breanna Lujan

In major step, Chicago announces lead pipe replacement plan – but could it widen the equity gap?

3 years 11 months ago

Lindsay McCormick, Program Manager In September, Chicago took an important – albeit modest – step towards tackling its colossal number of lead service lines (LSLs) – the lead pipes providing drinking water from the main under the street to homes. With an estimated 389,900 LSLs, Chicago has more than two times as many LSLs as […]

The post In major step, Chicago announces lead pipe replacement plan – but could it widen the equity gap? first appeared on EDF Health.

Lindsay McCormick

In South America’s Humboldt Current, this collaboration to build more climate-resilient fisheries brings together two great fishing nations

3 years 11 months ago
By Kristin M. Kleisner and Mauricio Galvez Along the Pacific coast of South America, a powerful ocean current brings to life one of the most abundant and productive ecosystems on the planet. The Humboldt Current System spans from southern Chile to Ecuador, pulling cold, nutrient-rich water from the ocean depths to the surface. This upwelling, as it’s […]
EDF Oceans

By ending routine flaring, Colorado can once again lead the nation

3 years 11 months ago

Colorado doesn’t take a back seat to anyone when it comes to protecting residents from oil and gas development, and the state’s track record speaks for itself. In 2014, Colorado became the first state to directly regulate oil and gas methane emissions. Earlier this year, the state adopted nation-leading well integrity rules to protect residents […]

The post By ending routine flaring, Colorado can once again lead the nation appeared first on Energy Exchange.

Jon Goldstein

By ending routine flaring, Colorado can once again lead the nation

3 years 11 months ago
Colorado doesn’t take a back seat to anyone when it comes to protecting residents from oil and gas development, and the state’s track record speaks for itself. In 2014, Colorado became the first state to directly regulate oil and gas methane emissions. Earlier this year, the state adopted nation-leading well integrity rules to protect residents […]
Jon Goldstein

By ending routine flaring, Colorado can once again lead the nation

3 years 11 months ago
Colorado doesn’t take a back seat to anyone when it comes to protecting residents from oil and gas development, and the state’s track record speaks for itself. In 2014, Colorado became the first state to directly regulate oil and gas methane emissions. Earlier this year, the state adopted nation-leading well integrity rules to protect residents […]
Jon Goldstein

By ending routine flaring, Colorado can once again lead the nation

3 years 11 months ago
Colorado doesn’t take a back seat to anyone when it comes to protecting residents from oil and gas development, and the state’s track record speaks for itself. In 2014, Colorado became the first state to directly regulate oil and gas methane emissions. Earlier this year, the state adopted nation-leading well integrity rules to protect residents […]
Jon Goldstein

Indigenous Peoples face challenges to effective participation in international climate policy forums

3 years 11 months ago
This post was coauthored by Bärbel Henneberger. Versión en español. The negative impacts of COVID-19 span beyond direct health effects, particularly among Indigenous Peoples—who have been among the most drastically impacted by the pandemic. Human rights violations have skyrocketed and environmental conflicts have intensified, forcing Indigenous communities to grapple with these circumstances and what they […]
Breanna Lujan

Indigenous Peoples face challenges to effective participation in international climate policy forums

3 years 11 months ago
This post was coauthored by Bärbel Henneberger. Versión en español. The negative impacts of COVID-19 span beyond direct health effects, particularly among Indigenous Peoples—who have been among the most drastically impacted by the pandemic. Human rights violations have skyrocketed and environmental conflicts have intensified, forcing Indigenous communities to grapple with these circumstances and what they […]
Breanna Lujan

Indigenous Peoples face challenges to effective participation in international climate policy forums

3 years 11 months ago
This post was coauthored by Bärbel Henneberger. Versión en español. The negative impacts of COVID-19 span beyond direct health effects, particularly among Indigenous Peoples—who have been among the most drastically impacted by the pandemic. Human rights violations have skyrocketed and environmental conflicts have intensified, forcing Indigenous communities to grapple with these circumstances and what they […]
Breanna Lujan

Analysis: North Carolina can curb emissions and reduce costs through the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

3 years 11 months ago
As North Carolina Governor Cooper considers policies to reach the state’s climate goals, analysis from EDF and M.J. Bradley & Associates shows that joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) can help get the job done. RGGI would significantly reduce climate-warming pollution in North Carolina by capping and reducing power sector carbon emissions. The analysis […]
Drew Stilson

The path to zero-emission trucks and a 100% clean energy future

4 years ago
By Felice Stadler The transportation sector is at a crossroads: zero-emission trucks have the potential to cut pollution that causes climate change and harms human health. However, a transition away from diesel pollution will require strong leadership from policymakers and private sector executives alike. That opportunity was front and center last week, when EDF hosted […]
EDF Blogs