Multi-state “action plan” on zero-emission trucks, buses is robust, but key additions are needed

2 years 3 months ago
Last month truck manufacturers, environmentalists and others shared their thoughts on a multi-state draft action plan to spur zero emission medium- and heavy-duty trucks in 17 states, the Province of Quebec and Washington D.C. The plan, spearheaded by the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management and developed by signatory states, was the culmination of […]
Larissa Koehler

Multi-state “action plan” on zero-emission trucks, buses is robust, but key additions are needed

2 years 3 months ago

Last month truck manufacturers, environmentalists and others shared their thoughts on a multi-state draft action plan to spur zero emission medium- and heavy-duty trucks in 17 states, the Province of Quebec and Washington D.C. The plan, spearheaded by the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management and developed by signatory states, was the culmination of […]

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Larissa Koehler

Multi-state “action plan” on zero-emission trucks, buses is robust, but key additions are needed

2 years 3 months ago

Last month truck manufacturers, environmentalists and others shared their thoughts on a multi-state draft action plan to spur zero emission medium- and heavy-duty trucks in 17 states, the Province of Quebec and Washington D.C. The plan, spearheaded by the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management and developed by signatory states, was the culmination of […]

The post Multi-state “action plan” on zero-emission trucks, buses is robust, but key additions are needed appeared first on Energy Exchange.

Larissa Koehler

Multi-state “action plan” on zero-emission trucks, buses is robust, but key additions are needed

2 years 3 months ago
Last month truck manufacturers, environmentalists and others shared their thoughts on a multi-state draft action plan to spur zero emission medium- and heavy-duty trucks in 17 states, the Province of Quebec and Washington D.C. The plan, spearheaded by the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management and developed by signatory states, was the culmination of […]
Larissa Koehler

The scoop on the Scoping Plan: California’s plan falls short in ensuring equitable access to an affordable, clean and safe energy system (Part 2)

2 years 3 months ago
This post was authored by Michael Colvin, Director, California Energy Program at EDF. In May, the California Air Resources Board released the draft 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan, a roadmap that will guide the state toward meeting its 2030 emissions target and achieving net-zero emissions no later than 2045. This four-part series will unpack several […]
Guest Author

The scoop on the Scoping Plan: California’s plan falls short in ensuring equitable access to an affordable, clean and safe energy system (Part 2)

2 years 3 months ago
In May, the California Air Resources Board released the draft 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan, a roadmap that will guide the state toward meeting its 2030 emissions target and achieving net-zero emissions no later than 2045. This four-part series will unpack several key aspects of the plan and evaluate whether they raise California’s climate ambition […]
Michael Colvin

The scoop on the Scoping Plan: California’s plan falls short in ensuring equitable access to an affordable, clean and safe energy system (Part 2)

2 years 3 months ago
In May, the California Air Resources Board released the draft 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan, a roadmap that will guide the state toward meeting its 2030 emissions target and achieving net-zero emissions no later than 2045. This four-part series will unpack several key aspects of the plan and evaluate whether they raise California’s climate ambition […]
Michael Colvin

Virginia’s Legislature made progress on flood resilience in 2022, but significant work remains.

2 years 3 months ago

While Virginia’s General Assembly concluded its 2022 legislative session with several successes, more work is needed – particularly in securing long-term funding for flood resilience, to protect people and natural resources from flood threats now and in the future.

The post Virginia’s Legislature made progress on flood resilience in 2022, but significant work remains. first appeared on Growing Returns.
Emily Steinhilber

Virginia’s Legislature made progress on flood resilience in 2022, but significant work remains.

2 years 3 months ago

While Virginia’s General Assembly concluded its 2022 legislative session with several successes, more work is needed – particularly in securing long-term funding for flood resilience, to protect people and natural resources from flood threats now and in the future.

The post Virginia’s Legislature made progress on flood resilience in 2022, but significant work remains. first appeared on Growing Returns.
Emily Steinhilber

Virginia’s Legislature made progress on flood resilience in 2022, but significant work remains.

2 years 3 months ago

While Virginia’s General Assembly concluded its 2022 legislative session with several successes, more work is needed – particularly in securing long-term funding for flood resilience, to protect people and natural resources from flood threats now and in the future.

The post Virginia’s Legislature made progress on flood resilience in 2022, but significant work remains. first appeared on Growing Returns.
Emily Steinhilber

Markets, stocktake, and impacts: The three issues to watch at the UN climate talks in Bonn

2 years 3 months ago

This post was co-authored by Julia Ilhardt, High Meadows Fellow at Environmental Defense Fund Next week, climate negotiators will begin two weeks of meetings in Bonn, Germany to make progress on a full slate of issues—from carbon markets and finance to adaptation and loss and damage—before November’s global climate talks. At these mid-year negotiating sessions, […]

The post Markets, stocktake, and impacts: The three issues to watch at the UN climate talks in Bonn appeared first on Climate 411.

Maggie Ferrato

Markets, stocktake, and impacts: The three issues to watch at the UN climate talks in Bonn

2 years 3 months ago
This post was co-authored by Julia Ilhardt, High Meadows Fellow at Environmental Defense Fund Next week, climate negotiators will begin two weeks of meetings in Bonn, Germany to make progress on a full slate of issues—from carbon markets and finance to adaptation and loss and damage—before November’s global climate talks. At these mid-year negotiating sessions, […]
Maggie Ferrato

Markets, stocktake, and impacts: The three issues to watch at the UN climate talks in Bonn

2 years 3 months ago
This post was co-authored by Julia Ilhardt, High Meadows Fellow at Environmental Defense Fund Next week, climate negotiators will begin two weeks of meetings in Bonn, Germany to make progress on a full slate of issues—from carbon markets and finance to adaptation and loss and damage—before November’s global climate talks. At these mid-year negotiating sessions, […]
Maggie Ferrato