Successful Denver Water Lead Reduction Program seeks 12-Year extension

2 years ago

Roya Alkafaji, Manager, Healthy Communities and Lindsay McCormick, Senior Manager, Safer Chemicals Denver Water has one of the most successful lead service line (LSL) replacement programs in the country. Since it began the program in 2020, the utility has replaced nearly 14,000 LSLs—prioritizing lines to buildings serving vulnerable populations, such as child-care facilities. Denver Water […]

The post Successful Denver Water Lead Reduction Program seeks 12-Year extension first appeared on EDF Health.

Roya Alkafaji

Successful Denver Water Lead Reduction Program seeks 12-Year extension

2 years ago
Roya Alkafaji, Manager, Healthy Communities and Lindsay McCormick, Senior Manager, Safer Chemicals Denver Water has one of the most successful lead service line (LSL) replacement programs in the country. Since it began the program in 2020, the utility has replaced nearly 14,000 LSLs—prioritizing lines to buildings serving vulnerable populations, such as child-care facilities. Denver Water […]
Lindsay McCormick

Delta Dispatches: See Ya Later, Alligator

2 years ago

Listen Now: In today’s episode of Delta Dispatches, we say goodbye to host Jacques Hebert, who leaves the show, and the Restore the Mississippi River Delta Coalition to become the Communication Director for the McKnight Foundation. We’re joined by several special guests (Chip Kline, Bren Haase, Steve Caparotta, and Steve Cochran) to reflect on 194 episodes of Delta Dispatches and the incalculable contributions Jacques has made to the restoration of Louisiana’s coast. Join us in wishing Jacques good luck in ...

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The post Delta Dispatches: See Ya Later, Alligator appeared first on Restore the Mississippi River Delta.


Delta Dispatches: See Ya Later, Alligator

2 years ago

Listen Now: In today’s episode of Delta Dispatches, we say goodbye to host Jacques Hebert, who leaves the show, and the Restore the Mississippi River Delta Coalition to become the Communication Director for the McKnight Foundation. We’re joined by several special guests (Chip Kline, Bren Haase, Steve Caparotta, and Steve Cochran) to reflect on 194 episodes of Delta Dispatches and the incalculable contributions Jacques has made to the restoration of Louisiana’s coast. Join us in wishing Jacques good luck in ...

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The post Delta Dispatches: See Ya Later, Alligator appeared first on Restore the Mississippi River Delta.


The ambition-raising opportunity of reducing methane emissions

2 years ago
This blog was authored by Alice Alpert, Senior Climate Scientist at EDF. Meaningful methane emission reductions are not only possible—such efforts can potentially have a massive impact on warming. Readily available methods to reduce methane can deliver a whopping 0.25°C of avoided temperature rise by 2050. This year the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) […]

The ambition-raising opportunity of reducing methane emissions

2 years ago
This blog was authored by Alice Alpert, Senior Climate Scientist at EDF. Meaningful methane emission reductions are not only possible—such efforts can potentially have a massive impact on warming. Readily available methods to reduce methane can deliver a whopping 0.25°C of avoided temperature rise by 2050. This year the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) […]

Fiona Azota a Puerto Rico

2 years ago
El huracán Fiona tocó tierra en Puerto Rico como categoría 1 durante el fin de semana, causando inundaciones catastróficas y dejando a toda la isla sin electricidad.

Are You Registered to Vote?

2 years ago

Written by Moms Clean Air Force

Today marks the 10th anniversary of Voter Registration Day. With the 2022 midterm election quickly approaching, it’s crucial that you check your registration. Please take a moment today to be sure your registration is up-to-date.

Moms Clean Air Force